2008年3月12日 星期三

"Bloomsbury Group".

我再看到千頁的傳記"Lytton Strachey", Michael Holroyd,眼睛一亮,一直猶疑買它會不會讀……)。後來陸續十位。他接到晚上十來位預訂,很高興。

180元的套餐當然乏味可陳。不過配菜是"Lytton Strachey", 很可觀:我讀些他老年的故事和書,以及他們夫婦如何「死去」(夫人數周後舉槍自盡)。

我沒想到該公司做簡報presentation的十年元老--是我二十幾年前電子所的"部屬" 楊先生的女兒。數周前吳董說他已仙逝多年(如果猶在,現在八十幾。當年他被某spin-off單位放單,我負責利用他到”退休;我待他很客氣,還派他出差日本,他高興極了…..)......

Irene 來電郵更正:

"Lytton Strachey", .....以及他們夫婦如何「死去」(夫人數周後舉槍自盡)。

>> Strachey並沒有結婚~他是和British artist Dora Carrington同居很長一段時間(直到Strachey辭世),但他們卻也各自與別人發展出一段段的戀情。Carrington後來和Ralph Partridge結婚,但大多時間仍是和Strachey在一起,多年來深受Strachey同性戀傾向的折磨。Strachey在1932年死於胃癌,Carrington因受不了這打擊而舉槍自盡。

我看過"Carrington" (1995,此地翻成「玻璃情人」) 這部電影,對於Emma Thompson所飾演的Carrington印象深刻。」

Bloomsbury, Elysian Fields

They remained, as the saying goes, friends. In fact, Strachey dedicated "Queen Victoria" to Virginia Woolf in 1921, nearly a decade after she had married Leonard Woolf. And their sporadic correspondence, now published as "Virginia Woolf and Lytton Strachey Letters," has been edited by - you guessed it? - Leonard Woolf and James Strachey.

Let us hope a copy of this book reaches Mrs. Woolf and Mr. Strachey in the Elysian Fields. They'll have as much fun reading it as we do, and they'll probably laugh over it more uproariously than will surviving Bloomsburians or earnest members of the cult, the Bloomsberries, on pious pilgrimage through its pages.

December 29, 1956 Books of the Times By CHARLES POORE

著名的英國文藝圈 參考
Wikipedia article "Bloomsbury Group".
因交遊以位於 倫敦區
:Bloomsbury (blūmz'bĕr'ē, -bə-rē, -brē) pronunciation得名:A residential district of north-central London, England, made famous by its association with an influential group of writers, artists, and intellectuals, including Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, and John Maynard Keynes, in the early 20th century.

James Beaumont Strachey (18871967) 為 Lytton Strachey弟弟 Wikipedia article "James Strachey".


