2008年4月1日 星期二

traffic warden

要進一步了解 traffic warden


William Golding ( 1911-1993;1983年諾貝爾文學獎) 1967作品 THE PYRAMID 引用(《金字塔》(李國慶譯,上海譯文,2000,p.15)),不過注不詳盡。



The very day after I learned that I was the laureate for literature for 1983 I drove into a country town and parked my car where I should not. I only left the car for a few minutes but when I came back there was a ticket taped to the window. A traffic warden, a lady of a minatory aspect, stood by the car. She pointed to a notice on the wall. "Can't you read?" she said. Sheepishly I got into my car and drove very slowly round the corner. There on the pavement I saw two county policemen.

I stopped opposite them and took my parking ticket out of its plastic envelope. They crossed to me. I asked if, as I had pressing business, I could go straight to the Town Hall and pay my fine on the spot. "No, sir," said the senior policeman, "I'm afraid.....

traffic warden
noun [C] UK 〔英〕 交通巡視員 ((主に路上駐車の取り締まり)).
someone whose job is to make certain that people do not leave their cars in illegal places:
A traffic warden gave me a ticket for parking on a double yellow line.

大约一周前,我做了一件令我深感愧疚、同时也略感自豪的事 ——我打了一个交通协勤员。 说得更确切一点,是推了他一下。不过让我沮丧的是,这一下导致他的相机脱手而出、掉到了地上。幸运的是,相机并没有损坏。与此 同时,尽管我一再道歉,这位协勤员还是打电话报了警。不过,让我火冒三丈的不是他在我的停车票时间要到了的当口儿写罚单(我这两张单子一张是12:45, 另一张是12:47),而是他的傲慢。当我彬彬有礼地指出,另一位协勤员曾告诉过我,每个人在被罚款之前都可以宽限三分钟,他却只是答道:“写信跟议会说 去。”他把这句令人生气的套话重复了好几次,于是我就打了他。现在,我要么等着接收警察局棕色信封的传唤通知,要么等着警察来敲门……


