2008年9月2日 星期二

George, Manchester City

英國財政大臣達林說英國面對六十年來經濟最糟糕的坦白言論,使英鎊匯價下滑。 《泰晤士報》說,英國商界領袖指責達林把英國"說進了"衰退,並使布朗首相的政治反擊蒙上陰影。 《金融時報》說,英鎊兌歐元和美元的匯率應聲下跌至新低。

《獨立報》報道,中東海灣小國阿聯酋阿布扎比出價二千一百億英鎊收購英超足球曼城隊 (Manchester City)。 報道說,曼城隊與阿布扎比聯合集團(ADUG)簽署了最終達成收購的諒解備忘錄。 阿布扎比聯合集團是一個得到阿布扎比王室支持的由中東投資者組成的控股公司。 《獨立報》說,如果收購達成,曼城隊將超過曼聯(Manchester United),成為全球最大的球隊。


Gender: Masculine
Usage: English Romanian
Pronounced: JORJ

From the Greek name Γεωργιος (Georgios) which was derived from the Greek word γεωργος (georgos) meaning "farmer, earthworker", itself derived from the elements γη (ge) "earth" and εργον (ergon) "work". Saint George was a legendary dragon slayer who was supposedly martyred in Palestine. He is the patron saint of England, Portugal and Catalonia.

This name has been borne by six kings of England, two kings of Greece, and the first president of the United States, George Washington. Other famous bearers include authors George Eliot and George Orwell (both pen names; real names Mary Anne Evans and Eric Arthur Blair respectively), composer George Frideric Handel, and Pacific explorer George Vancouver.


