2008年9月16日 星期二

Richard Wright, Member of Pink Floyd, Dies at 65

Richard Wright, Member of Pink Floyd, Dies at 65

Published: September 15, 2008

Richard Wright, the keyboardist whose somber, monumental sounds were at the core of Pink Floyd’s art-rock that has sold millions and millions of albums, died Monday in London, where he had lived. He was 65.

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Associated Press

Pink Floyd’s original lineup, shown in 1967, included, from left, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Syd Barrett and Richard Wright.

MJ Kim/Getty Images, 2005

Mr. Wright performing with Pink Floyd at Live 8 London.

The cause was cancer, said his publicist, Claire Singers.

Mr. Wright was a founding member of Pink Floyd, and his spacious, somber, enveloping keyboards, backing vocals and eerie effects were an essential part of its musical identity.

Though Syd Barrett and then Roger Waters wrote most of Pink Floyd’s songs, Mr. Wright shares credit on the improvisatory psychedelic studio works the band composed collectively, and he sang a few lead vocals, including on “Astronomy Domine” from the band’s debut album, “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn.”

Mr. Wright was the sole songwriter on “The Great Gig in the Sky,” a hymnlike track with a soaring, wordless female vocal at the center of “The Dark Side of the Moon,” the blockbuster 1973 Pink Floyd album that has sold some 40 million copies.

David Gilmour, Pink Floyd’s guitarist and singer, said in a statement on Monday: “In the welter of arguments about who or what was Pink Floyd, Rick’s enormous input was frequently forgotten. He was gentle, unassuming and private but his soulful voice and playing were vital, magical components of our most recognized Pink Floyd sound.”

Mr. Wright was born in London in 1943 and taught himself to play keyboards, developing an early interest in jazz. He attended a school for haberdashers then studied architecture at the Regent Street Polytechnic College.

With fellow students at Regent Street — Mr. Waters on guitar or bass and Nick Mason on drums — he started a group, at first playing American rhythm-and-blues songs. Mr. Barrett joined them in 1965, reshaping the music and naming the band The Pink Floyd Sound, after the American bluesmen Pink Anderson and Floyd Council.

Mr. Barrett’s whimsical, asymmetrical songs and the band’s fondness for experimental sounds placed it at the center of London’s underground psychedelic movement in the mid-1960s. “Music was our drug,” Mr. Wright once told an interviewer.

“The Piper at the Gates of Dawn” was released in 1967 and yielded pop hits in England, but LSD use and mental illness made Mr. Barrett so unstable that he left Pink Floyd in 1968. He recorded two solo albums; Mr. Wright and Mr. Gilmour produced the second one, “Barrett,” in 1970. Mr. Barrett died in 2006, at the age of 60.

Pink Floyd’s late-1960s and early-’70s albums mingled pop songs with extended pieces, like the 23-minute “Echoes,” which begins with single notes from Mr. Wright’s keyboard, on 1971’s “Meddle.”

On the 1969 album, “Ummagumma,” which includes solo studio recordings by each band member, Mr. Wright’s four-part “Sisyphus” encompasses a majestic dirge with tympani, a piano piece that moves from rippling impressionism to crashing free jazz, a clattery interlude for keyboards and percussion, and a mostly elegiac improvisation with organ, guitar, tape effects and birdcalls.

With “The Dark Side of the Moon,” Pink Floyd reined in its improvisation, came up with a concept album about workaday pressures and insanity and established itself as an arena-rock staple. The album stayed in the Billboard Top 200 album chart for 741 weeks. Pink Floyd continued to thrive through the 1970s, and Mr. Wright released his first solo project, “Wet Dream,” in 1978. Pink Floyd’s 1979 album, “The Wall,” eventually sold 23 million copies in the United States.

But there were conflicts within the band. Mr. Waters, who had increasingly taken control of Pink Floyd, reportedly threatened not to release “The Wall” unless Mr. Wright resigned his full membership in the band. Mr. Wright quit, only to tour with Pink Floyd in 1980-81 as a salaried sideman. He does not appear on the band’s 1983 album, “The Final Cut.”

After that album, Mr. Waters left Pink Floyd for a solo career, declaring the band a “spent force creatively.” Amid lawsuits, Mr. Gilmour and Mr. Mason regrouped under the Pink Floyd name; Mr. Wright rejoined them for the 1987 album “A Momentary Lapse of Reason” and “The Division Bell” in 1994.

He made another solo album, “Broken China,” in 1996, with Sinead O’Connor among the guest performers.

Mr. Wright, who was married three times, is survived by three children, Benjamin, Gala and Jamie; and one grandchild.

In interviews in 1996, Mr. Wright said he had not spoken to Mr. Waters for 14 years. Mr. Wright played keyboards on Mr. Gilmour’s 2006 album, “On an Island,” and went on tour with Mr. Gilmour’s band.

Pink Floyd’s 1970s lineup reunited briefly at the Live 8 London concert in Hyde Park on July 2, 2005, performing four songs before sharing a hug.

平克·佛洛伊德(Pink Floyd)是一支英國搖滾樂隊,成立於1965年。風格偏電子和迷幻搖滾, 他們不斷的演化成一支先鋒搖滾樂隊。他們哲學化的歌詞、聲音實驗、不斷創新的CD封面藝術和精心設計的現場表演都聞名於世。作為樂隊最成功和最具影響力的 一件事情是,他們的專輯在全世界範圍售出有2.5億張,全美國範圍有7千3百萬張。 平克·佛洛伊德于60年代晚期在Syd Barrett的帶領下在迷幻搖滾方面已經比較成功,但是Syd Barrett的古怪行為迫使他的同伴們不得不用吉他手兼歌手David Gilmour來替換了他。在Syd Barrett離開之後歌手兼貝司手Roger Waters逐漸成為了樂隊的領導者和主創者。在Roger Waters的領導下樂隊錄製了數張唱片,並且以1973年的《月之暗面》、1975年的《願你在此》、1977年的《動物》和1979年的《迷牆》取得了世界性的成功。1985年Roger Waters宣布平克·佛洛伊德解散,但是樂隊其他的成員在Gilmour的帶領下繼續用原本樂隊的名字錄音、巡迴演出,同時也享受著巨大的商業成功。最終和Roger Waters達成協議繼續使用平克·佛洛伊德這個名字。



[編輯] 初創


[編輯] 頂峰

在推出了幾張不很出名的專輯後,平克·佛洛伊德于1973年推出了《月之暗面》。 這張專輯獲得極其巨大的成功,成為搖滾樂史上的一個裡程碑,專輯在美國排行榜上連續上榜591周,總計上榜741周,為有史以來占據Billboard最 高週數之專輯。總計全球銷量至今已超過4000萬張,為人類音樂史上前五暢銷之唱片。《月之暗面》是一張概念性專輯,唱片中的曲目都圍繞著現代生活中的壓力這個主題。相當的曲目也涉及到了精神疾病的內容。

1975年他們又出了一張新的專輯《Wish you were here》。此唱片獻給已經離隊的巴瑞特。此唱片和1977年發行的《動物》同樣獲得了英美排行第一的好成績。同時沃特斯的曲風也繼續貫徹樂隊。




[編輯] 分手

1983年,在樂隊推出了《The final cut》後,平克·佛洛伊德的成員開始各自出專輯。樂隊事實上處於解散狀態。1987年吉默和梅森重組樂隊,但沃特斯並未參加。此後吉默,賴特和梅森繼續以平克·佛洛伊德的名義演出和錄製唱片。他們的最後一張唱片是1994年的《The Division Bell》,商業上仍然獲得很大成功,再次獲得英美排行榜雙料榜首的成績。

[編輯] 專輯列表

[編輯] 錄音棚專輯

  • The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967年8月5日)
  • A Saucerful of Secrets (1968年6月29日)
  • Music from the Film More (1969年7月27日)
  • Ummagumma (1969年10月25日) (半現場、半錄音棚)
  • Atom Heart Mother (1970年10月10日)
  • Meddle (1971年10月30日)
  • Obscured by Clouds (1972年6月3日)
  • The Dark Side of the Moon (1973年3月24日)
  • Wish You Were Here (1975年9月15日)
  • Animals (1977年1月23日)
  • The Wall (1979年11月30日)
  • The Final Cut (1983年3月23日)
  • A Momentary Lapse of Reason (1987年9月7日)
  • The Division Bell (1994年3月30日)

[編輯] 現場專輯

  • Ummagumma (1969年10月25日) (半現場、半錄音棚)
  • Delicate Sound of Thunder (1988年11月22日)
  • P*U*L*S*E (1995年5月29日)
  • Is There Anybody Out There? The Wall Live 1980-81 (2000年3月23日)

[編輯] 單曲

  • 1967: "Arnold Layne"/"Candy and a Currant Bun" (英國排名第20)
  • 1967: "See Emily Play"/"The Scarecrow (Pink Floyd song)|The Scarecrow" (英國排名第6,美國排名第134)
  • 1967: "Apples and Oranges "/" Paint Box (song)|Paint Box"
  • 1968: "It Would Be So Nice "/ "Julia Dream"
  • 1968: "Point Me at the Sky"/"Careful with That Axe, Eugene"
  • 1973: "Money" (美國排名第1)
  • 1979: "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)"/"One of My Turns" (英國排名第1,美國排名第1)

[編輯] DVD和視頻

  • Live at Pompeii (1972年)
  • The Wall (film)|The Wall (1982年)
  • La Carrera Panamericana (1992年)

[編輯] 再次同台

2005年7月2日,經過20年的分裂後,平克·佛洛伊德的所有成員-包括沃特斯,決定捐棄前嫌,于現場八方倫敦演唱會上同台演出。他們共演唱了四首歌:Breathe/Breathe Reprise、Money、Wish You Were Here和Comfortably Numb。

[編輯] 外部連接

Artist: Pink Floyd
Song: Wish You Were Here

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skys from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade
Your heros for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.


英ロックバンド、ピンク・フロイド(Pink Floyd)の創設メンバーでキーボードのリチャード・ライト(Richard Wright)さん(右、1998年6月9日撮影)。(c)AFP/PATRICK HERTZOGTA[ src="http://www2.afpbb.com/image/spacer.gif" />

【9月16日 AFP】英ロックバンド、ピンク・フロイド(Pink Floyd)の創設メンバーでキーボード担当のリチャード・ライト(Richard Wright)さんが15日、死去した。65歳。


 ライトさんは、『狂気(Dark Side of the Moon)』や『炎~あなたがここにいてほしい~(Wish You Were Here)』のなどの名作アルバムに収録された数曲の作曲を手掛けている。(c)AFP





 60年代にシド・バレット、ロジャー・ウォーターズ、ニック・メイスンと「ピンク・フロイド・サウンド」(後のピンク・フロイド)を結成しデビューし た。キーボードプレーヤーとして活躍。73年発表のアルバム「ダーク・サイド・オブ・ザ・ムーン(狂気)」で世界のロック界で不動の地位を確立した。一 時、グループから離脱した時期もあったが、87年再加入した。(時事)


