2008年10月31日 星期五

BBC apologises for 'gross lapse of taste'

英國廣播公司電台第二台兩名節目主持人的淫猥言論醜聞到今天還佔據著個大小報章的頭條位置。 昨天,第二台的女負責人道格拉斯辭職,而BBC則決定處罰其中一名主持人羅斯停薪停職12周。羅斯是全英國身價最高的電視電台藝員,年薪600萬英鎊。在此之前,另一名主持人布蘭德已經辭職。 《每日郵報》認為道格拉斯辭職是理所當然的,因為是她招聘布蘭德的,還有她對廣播這個節目負有最終的責任。 《每日電訊報》援引消息說,讓布蘭德與羅斯在同一節目中演出是有高度爆炸風險的。 該消息說,道格拉斯應該在廣播前先親自檢查預錄的節目。 "再次低頭" 《太陽報》讚揚道格拉斯是唯一一個人有尊嚴地承擔這起醜聞。 該報說,她有23年多姿彩的職業生涯,卻栽在兩名高薪藝員讓人厭惡的愚笨之下。 不過,《獨立報》認為,這是BBC再度在爭執中顯示軟弱。該報的標題說,BBC再次向批評者低頭。 該報說,道格拉斯因為"遠低於她的職級"的人所做的決定而辭職,是"很荒謬的一回事"。

英國廣播公司BBC電台第二台前節目主持人 布蘭德和羅斯在老演員薩克斯 電話裡留下下流留言的醜聞 繼續在英國報章發酵。
在醜聞爆發後,布蘭德辭職,BBC也把羅斯的節目暫停。 《每日郵報》說,羅斯即將知道他在這個醜聞中的角色,是否以他與BBC的合約作為代價。 該報說,BBC的律師正在審核這個合約,研究是否能以行止不端為原因解約而不需要付出大筆賠償。 《衛報》說,BBC正在試圖按壓著這個火球。 不過,《金融時報》社論說,BBC的反應顯示其"缺乏警覺,損害甚大",說它的反應"太少,太遲"。 社論說,最大的問題是為什麼作為公營廣播機構,負有有別於商營媒體的使命卻搞出這些垃圾。

BBC apologises for 'gross lapse of taste'

The BBC yesterday suspended Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand for "gross lapse...incident are carried out. Mr Brand subsequently resigned as a presenter on BBC Radio 2.Yesterday the BBC faced criticism over its handling of the issue, with many licence-payers...

BBC suspends presenters

The BBC has suspended Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand for "gross lapse of...are carried out. Mr Brand subsequently resigned as a presenter on BBC Radio 2.On Wednesday the BBC faced criticism over its handling of the issue, with many licence...

Prime minister attacks conduct of BBC presenters

...inappropriate and unacceptable" behaviour of two BBC presenters, as the broadcaster came under...actor Andrew Sachs was an issue for the BBC and Ofcom, the broadcasting regulator.But...investigate the matter and it is for the BBC, the BBC Trust and Ofcom to take any appropriate...

BBC sorry for prank on actor

The BBC apologised to the actor Andrew Sachs yesterday...said he had been upset by the incident.The BBC said yesterday: "We would like to sincerely...secretary, will call in a speech tomorrow for the BBC to drop plans for local video news content...

Radio 2 chief quits over prank calls row

The controller of Radio 2, one of the BBC's most successful executives, resigned last night...report by Mark Thompson, the director-general of the BBC, to his own governors.In a statement, the BBC Trust said that Mr Ross was being suspended for 12...

More than Ross-Brand fiasco - a leadership question

...excellent editorial "Too little, too late" (October 30) on the BBC's latest fiasco.There is, as you say, a bigger question...listeners have taken this opportunity to complain to the BBC.The BBC, through its Trust, is answerable to the public, which pays...


