2008年11月22日 星期六

Financial Times

Wikipedia article "Financial Times".
On April 23, 2007, following in the wake of other notable newspaper redesigns such as the January 2007 Wall Street Journal revamp, the FT also relaunched the paper, complete with a new typeface, new labelling, but with no reduction in paper size (unlike with the recent Wall Street Journal redesign or the expected New York Times redesign). This redesign has been billed by some as the “most dramatic revamp [of the FT] in a generation” and, in addition to the typeface changes, includes the addition of more panels in the news pages, more first page feature content in the “Companies and Markets” section, and more “squeezed” sports content, to allow for an extra foreign news page.[3] FT editor Barber notes that the changes are “evolutionary and will provide extra news, deeper analysis and comment. By improving the navigation of the newspaper, we're aiming to help our busy readers get more out of the paper so that they understand that the Financial Times is not only as an informative and entertaining read, but also as an essential business tool”[4] and he dubs the redesigned paper as being a “sharper” FT.[5] Some subtle changes include the reintroduction, above the leaders, of the FT's original 1888 motto, “Without fear and without favour”[6] and more signposts to FT.com. To coincide with the redesign, Pearson PLC announced a new advertising campaign centred around the tag-line “We Live in Financial Times”.[7][8] The FT redesign was handled by and was the first major project for design firm Shakeup Media and young American designer Ryan Bowman.[9][10]

不過 作者沒有搞清楚為什麼"品質" 實體和網路 或 資料或人才庫等 樣樣不比FT差的WSJ必須縮版和換老版

堅持品質 金融時報賺錢有道

  • 2008-11-23
  • 中國時報
  • 【江靜玲/特稿】

 「在這個行業四十四年,我從未見過一個全國性的報紙會沒找不到買主!」資深英國媒體人、曾任英國《鏡報》總編輯,目前在《衛報》負責媒體訊息和編輯的葛林史萊德(Roy Greenslade)感嘆地表示。他指的是《獨立報》裁員的事。之前圈內傳出,百萬富豪傑克高德史密斯有意介入《獨立報》,但衡量了一下口袋,很快就放棄了。這與不及十年前,《每日電訊報》急欲易手引發搶購,《快報》和《郵報》兩大集團均參與競爭,最後住在澤西島的神秘富商巴克萊兄弟以高價逼退其他競標者,不可同日而語。報紙真的沒人要了嗎?答案是不盡然,否則,梅鐸為什麼要花五十億美元收購《華爾街日報》?  

「關鍵在於,你要什麼,你怎麼去辦這份報紙。」《快報》前總編輯、現任全球多家報業顧問,一年前成功替《金融時報》周末版策畫新版面的理查亞迪斯(Richard Addis)說。  《金融時報》是個很好的例子。當全球平面媒體經營陷入泥淖時,《金融時報》去年收益卻成長了一一%。  該報總編輯巴柏(Lionel Baber)最近接受英國廣播公司訪問時,扼要地分析其成功的三個主因為:專業化、全球觀點和國際市場。  


巴柏此一說法,與《泰晤士報》前總編輯、目前為梅鐸調到紐約擔任道瓊發行人的湯姆森(Robert Thomson)一致。一年半前,湯姆森與倫敦外籍記者聚會時,曾感慨《泰晤士報》精減海外特派的作法,在他看來,「並不恰當。」  《金融時報》近年來也極力爭取文筆和觀念獨特的專欄作家。像是以創辦《壁紙》雜誌著名的布雷(Tyler Brule),以及有世界五大品酒師之稱的羅賓森(Jancis Robinson),都是該報周末版的專欄作者。 「我們付好的價錢給作者,因為好的產品,是要付代價的。」巴柏說。同樣的,《金融時報》的零售價也不得不上漲,但閱報率未降反升。  



