2008年12月21日 星期日

John Charles Ryle「活著就是基督」

保羅寫腓立比書時,正等候一個生死的判決,凡認識他的人都很擔心他的處境,他毫無掩飾的對關心他的人談論他對生死的看法。他說:『因我活著就是基督,我死 了就有益處。』從原文直接翻譯,這句話是:「對我而言,活著是基督,死了是得著。」這節經文中的『益處』在原文中有「得著、得到益處」的意思。用台語說, 就是『貿得』,如果你是一個作買賣的人,跟許多人競爭一個會賺錢機會,雖然你的競爭條件不比別人好,但最後你得到了,你可以說:『貿得』這筆生意,這帶有 一點意想不到的幸福的意味。保羅的意思就是這樣,他認為死了是有好處的,是幸福的。

On May 10, 1816, John Charles Ryle was born to John And Susanna Ryle of Macclesfield, Cheshire County, England. He attended Eton and then went on to Oxford, finishing his Oxford studies in 1837. It was at this time in 1837 that Ryle found salvation and faith in Christ.

In 1841 Bishop Charles Sumner of Winchester ordained J. C Ryle as a minister in the Anglican Church, (Church of England). In 1880 Ryle was named the first Bishop of the newly constituted diocese of Liverpool.

Throughout his ministry he became known and beloved as a defender of the evangelical reformed faith as expressed in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, of the Church of England.

In February, 1900, the 83 year old Bishop Ryle retired after many years of faithful ministry. He went home to be with his Lord on June 10, 1900.

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