2009年1月22日 星期四

Act of Settlement

7 references to settlement in this book

1. on Page 8:
" ... failed to do. Many contemporaries hoped fora radical revision of the Church settlement of the 166os"
2. on Page 9:
"important to maintain the substance of the Restoration Settlement. The Prayer Book of 1662 was to remain the liturgical basis of Anglican worship until the twentieth century"
3. on Page 14:
" ... than they need have been, and generally threatened to reshape the Revolution settlement"
4. on Page 43:
"laws of settlement provided for compulsory residence in the parish of birth for those not occupying a house worth at least E1o per annum, a not insubstantial sum"
5. on Page 82:
"reinforced by settlement in Canada and the Floridas, would form a vast, loyal market for British manufactures, a continuing source of essential raw materials"
6. on Page 97:
"given a settlement which was to endure, albeit uneasily, until 1867. In many ways, Pitt's supremacy had a very traditional appearance"
7. from Back Matter:
"Act of Settlement settles the royal succession on the descendants of Sophia of Hanover 1702 Death of William III"

Dialogue | 23.01.2009 | 05:30

Some ancient laws in Britain concerning inter-religious relations are up for change

In Britain, it is not always easy to change ancient traditions

In Britain a new attempt is being made to change ancient laws which bans the monarch from marrying a Catholic. The Act of Settlement, introduced by King William III in 1701 states anyone who marries a Catholic cannot become king or queen. It also gives legal precedence to male heirs in the line of succession, and it is these two aspects that a British lawmaker wants to change. Dr Evan Harris, from the country's third political party the Liberal Democrats says this blatant religious and sex discrimination is outdated and must go.

(Report: Catherine Drews)


━━ n. 身を落ち着かせる[固める]こと, 定住, 定着; 植民[居留](地); 解決, 決定; 【法】(紛争・裁判での)和解, 示談; 返済, 決算; 贈与(財産); 【法】遺産の配分確定; 【法】(英国での)継承的財産設定(証書), 継承的不動産処分(証書); セツルメント, 社会福祉事業(団); (建物などの)沈下; 澄むこと, 沈殿(物).
Act of Settlement 【英史】王位継承法.
settlement day 【株】決算日, 決済日.


