2012年5月29日 星期二

Jacobite, short shrift, no-go zone

Obama Urged to Intensify Push for Climate Measure
Backers Fear Administration Is Giving Issue Short Shrift
(By Juliet Eilperin and Michael D. Shear, The Washington Post)

Both feature a politically correct hero who opposed slavery, protected animals and encouraged ­women writers. Both give shorter shrift to political issues that might bore 21st-century readers (Johnson’s Jacobite sympathies) or repel them (his attacks on republicanism and religious dissent).

An Invisible War
Paul Rieckhoff is frustrated by the short shrift that he feels the troops get from the media and the vast majority of Americans.


David Cameron's government, although pulled to the centre by coalition with the Liberal Democrats, seems bent on pursuing a traditional Conservative foreign policy: cosy up to the US while giving Europe short shrift.
戴維•卡梅倫(David Cameron)領導下的英國政府,雖然因與自由民主黨聯合而轉移到了中間路線,但在對外政策上似乎依然決心延續傳統的保守黨風格:與美國套近乎,對歐洲則不理不睬。This approach may be comforting to the Tory faithful, for whom the European Union is a no-go zone, but the effort to reclaim the US-UK “special relationship” as the foundation of British statecraft promises to leave Britain in a geopolitical no- man's land and marginalise its international influence. The UK will enjoy far greater sway over transatlantic and global affairs by becoming a leading voice within the EU than by investing in an Anglo-American coupling that has lost much of its raison d'être.
Although the government has thus far held its fire on the EU, William Hague, the foreign secretary, had been in office only three days before crossing the Atlantic to meet Hillary Clinton, secretary of state, and affirm that the US “is without doubt the most important ally” of the UK.
迄今為止,本屆英國政府在與歐盟關係上無甚舉動,而外交大臣威廉•黑格(William Hague)上任僅僅三天,便橫渡大西洋與美國國務卿希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)會面,併申明美國“無疑是(英國)最重要的盟友”。
Mr Hague and George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, have impressive pedigrees as Eurosceptics. Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, did make clear during the election campaign that the Lib Dems understood the importance of aligning Britain more closely with the EU. But he has gone silent on the issue since joining the government; Mr Clegg appears to have shelved such aspirations in making the compromises needed to sustain a coalition with the Conservatives.
黑格和財政大臣喬治•奧斯本(George Osborne)都有著深厚的歐洲懷疑論情結。儘管副首相尼克•克萊格(Nick Clegg)在大選期間的確曾清楚表示,自由民主黨懂得英國與歐盟建立更緊密聯盟的重要性。但自從進入政府之後,他在這個問題上一直保持緘默。克萊格似乎為了維繫與保守黨的聯合政府做出了必要的妥協,擱置了類似的政治抱負。
For three main reasons, however, the attempt to refurbish Britain as the link between the US and Europe is to invest in a bridge to nowhere.
First, Britain can ably serve as a bridge between the US and Europe only if Washington needs one. But it no longer does. Washington now has in Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy two Atlanticist leaders, and France has rejoined Nato's military structure. Berlin and Paris are enthusiastic champions of teamwork with the US, making Washington less reliant on London as it fashions transatlantic co-operation.
首先,只要美國需要,英國完全有能力扮演好美歐之間的橋樑角色。但美國已經不再需要。如今華盛頓已經擁有了安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel)和尼古拉•薩科齊(Nicolas Sarkozy)這兩位奉行大西洋主義的領導人,法國也重新加入了北約(NA​​TO)的軍事框架柏林與巴黎都熱忱支持與美國合作,因此華盛頓在構建跨大西洋合作時,對倫敦的依賴程度有所降低,
Second, America's strategic priorities have shifted away from the Euro-Atlantic zone to the Middle East and Asia, leaving Washington keenly sensitive to Europe's ability to share global burdens. To be sure, Britain is Europe's leading state when it comes to projecting hard power. But Britain's defence establishment, like those of other individual EU members, is simply not sizeable enough to sustain its allure in Washington.
Only if EU member states aggregate their hard power and enhance their readiness to make joint decisions about its use will Europe emerge as the more capable partner that Washington is seeking.
Third, Europe needs Britain as much as Britain needs Europe. The project of European integration is facing perhaps its most serious crisis since it began in the late 1940s. The financial turmoil is testing the durability of the eurozone. The challenges of immigration and domestic economic reform are polarising electorates and producing weak governments. Meanwhile, a new populism is fuelling the renationalisation of politics across Europe, hindering efforts to create EU institutions capable of giving the Union greater coherence and clout.
British leadership is sorely needed to help lead the EU out of its doldrums. Having liberalised its economy, Britain can facilitate economic reforms on the continent. If Europe is to make progress in forging a more collective approach to foreign and security policy, then surely Britain must be front and centre. And Britain's preference for a looser but more effective EU may help broker an institutional compromise between European federalists and those with more modest ambitions for the EU's future.
If the British government stands by its anachronistic plan to cleave to the US while shunning the EU, it may well consign Britain, along with Europe, to geopolitical irrelevance. In contrast, if London plays a leading role in forging a more capable EU, Europe as a whole, and Britain along with it, will enjoy rising prominence in Washington – and in global affairs. Although an easy decision, the Cameron government, at least for now, seems determined to make the wrong choice.
The writer is professor ​​of international affairs at Georgetown University and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and is the author of How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace
本 文作者是美國喬治敦大學(Georgetown University)國際事務教授、對外關係委員會(Council on Foreign Relations)高級研究員,著有《如何化敵為友——持久和平的源泉》(How Enemies Become Friends The Sources of Stable Peace)。



  • 発音記号[ʃríft]


(jăk'ə-bīt') pronunciation
A supporter of James II of England or of the Stuart pretenders after 1688.
[From Latin Iacōbus, James. See Jacob.]

━━ n., a. 【英史】ジャコバイト(派の) ((名誉革命で退位した James II(の子孫)を復位させようとした)).


