2009年1月14日 星期三

London Approach

In days gone by the Bank of England knew how to step in and help ailing banks. The London Approach came to the fore in the 1970s when the secondary bank market faced collapse. The Bank was able to work with other banks to organize rescues and bailouts. No direct interference occurred but suasion and negotiation were mobilized to forge action.

「倫敦模式(London Approach)」起源於1970年代,當時英國國內除了經濟衰退,失業率也居高不下,企業處境維艱,還款出現問題,同樣也面臨銀行雨天收傘。

當時英國由英格蘭銀行(英國央行)出面主導,與債權最多的主要銀行(leading bank)商討,是否該救這家企業,或是要用何種方式救。劉憶如解釋,這種模式跳脫法律冗長的時程,等同「在法律外的解決方式」,並無書面的文字準則。


