2009年3月20日 星期五

英國圖書館事業綜論/ 中英圖書館事業比較研究

英國圖書館事業綜論 薛理桂著 台北:文華1993



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《中國星象圖全球最古老》【蘋果日報2004/5/3中英對照 劉瑞芬╱譯自美聯社】


【AP】A Chinese star chart thought to date from the 7th century AD which maps the heavens with an accuracy unsurpassed until the Renaissance period, according to French experts who carried out the first detailed analysis of the chart, which will be released Monday May 3, 2004. The spectacular Dunhuang star chart is the oldest manuscript star map in the world and is one of the most valuable treasures in astronomy.

【 hc評論:Dunhuang要翻譯;準確性(accuracy)的可運作的天文學定義要弄清楚。
這翻譯基本上都抓到了意思,可惜翻譯者如果能作點「研究(internet圖書館查詢)」,應該知道:這是根據大英博物館的敦煌檔案的詳細科學研究(這 資料在學界早為人所熟知,譬如說,網路摘要The Ancient Roots of Modern Science--from the Babylonians to the Maya By Dick Teresi 。不過,數量化評估其準確性(accuracy),這回可能是頭一遭。2004年,英國圖書館(British Library, London) 從5月7日到從9月12日舉辦Trade, Travel, War and Faith 展覽,有這檔案的古今投影法星象圖的對照展。】


Google Scholar除提供簡單的檢索介面外,也提供進階檢索功能 (advanced scholar search),使用者可以針對特定的學科範圍、出版物及出版年等加以限制,以使查詢的結果能更為精確。另外,也可以限制所要找尋的語文,目前可限定英文、繁體中文、簡體中文、德文、西班牙文及葡萄牙文等五種語文。查詢結果的書目也可依個人需求設定滙入EndNote、RefWorks、BibTex、RefMan、WenXianWang等書目管理軟體裏。此外,大英圖書館也於今年3月2日宣布參與Google Scholar,以使讀者能透過Google Scholar 來使用大英圖書館的文獻服務 (British Library Direct),而能立即在線上購買所要的文獻。

Google Scholar自2004年11月成立以後,其內容不斷地增加,對研究者而言,可於使用圖書館的資源外,多了一項找尋資料的地方;對圖書館員而言,也可透過Google Scholar協助讀者找尋網站上的免費資源,筆者在處理讀者申請館際合作文獻影印的工作上,即曾經多次透過Google Scholar 而找到免費的全文資料,替讀者節省許多時間和費用。

"Sacred" - an exhibition at the British Library in London shows what the three monotheistic religions share

Sacred texts are an essential part of all religions. Sometimes they are supposed to be the word of God, sometimes the writings of an holy figure such as a prophet. Because of the importance of these texts they have often been presented in lavish and ornamental ways. It's without question that some of the most valuable books ever made contain religious texts. Such beautiful objects are the inspiration for an exhibition currently being held at the British Library in London. The exhibition "Sacred" lets the public enjoy such wonders as a priceless fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls and one of the oldest surviving texts of the Torah, but more than that, the exhibition uses these texts to show something more - how much the three main monotheistic religions - Islam, Judaism and Christianity - have in common. (Report: Martin Vogl)

Publishing makes shift to digital
The vast majority of UK research material will be available in electronic form by 2020.

According to a study commissioned by the British Library, 90% of newly published work will be available digitally by this time.

Only half of this will also be available in print form, with just 10% of new titles available only in print.

It represents a "seismic shift" in the world of publishing said British Library chief executive Lynne Brindley.

For its part, the British Library aims to spend the next three years developing the infrastructure necessary to store, manage, preserve and provide access to digital material.

Preserving blogs?

Part of our collection of so-called ephemera includes labels from food tins and old theatre tickets. This provides valuable social information and it may be that blogs play that sort of role in future
British Library spokesman

"In many ways digital material is more fragile than physical material and if we don't manage it effectively it won't survive for future generations," said Ms Brindley.

The new collection will include both items "born digital" and those that have been digitised, such as Shakespeare's Quartos and newspapers from the 19th Century.

The British Library's collection already covers every information format from oracle bones to kilobytes and it is determined to provide the same infrastructure for holding a national collection of digital items as it does for its 160 million strong collection of books, manuscripts, sound recordings, patents, stamps and maps.

The system for digital storage has been designed to be tamper-proof. There will be at least three copies of everything. An offline copy will be stored separately in case of a catastrophic system failure.

Part of the move towards a digital collection will involve the archiving of websites and there is a challenge here for the library to decide what to preserve and what to leave to cyberspace.

"We need to identify websites of national significance, such as those of the main political parties at general election time," said a spokesman for the British Library.

Down the line the archive could include blogs as well, he said.

"Part of our collection of so-called ephemera includes labels from food tins and old theatre tickets. This provides valuable social information and it may be that blogs play that sort of role in future," he said.

In 2003 the British Library secured legislation that ensured its legal right to a copy of every book and periodical published in the UK was extended to non-print media, which includes CD-ROMs and electronic journals.


