2009年10月27日 星期二

Royal Mail Strikes


倫敦商工總會(London Chamber of Commerce and Industry)指出,上週單是通訊勞工工會(Communication Workers Union,CWU) 在22及23日兩天舉行全國大罷工,企業的損失就高達2億英鎊。

倫敦商工總會執行長史坦布盧吉( Colin Stanbridge)指出,對倫敦經濟說來,這是很嚴重的損失,郵局罷工無疑會拖延倫敦的經濟復甦。


史坦布盧吉呼籲商業大臣曼德森(Peter Mandelson),儘速介入化解勞資爭議。

皇家郵政(Royal Mail)工會前一次舉行全國大罷工是2007年,倫敦商工總會估計,當時造成倫敦企業損失3.04億英鎊。


自6 月以來,倫敦郵局員工己陸續發動近20天的地區性與全國性罷工,郵件發送中心堆滿待送的郵件,一旦再發動新一波罷工,郵件寄送作業將進一步癱瘓。

為紓解大量累積的郵件,並因應即將到來的耶誕節郵寄旺季,皇家郵政計劃聘雇3 萬名臨時工。工會對此極為不滿,揚言將提告到高等法院。但皇家郵政堅持沒有違法,目前仍未見雙方和解的曙光。20091027

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Service Information for customers

Service Summary for all customers - Tuesday 27th October

Communication Workers Union national industrial action

All operational units across the country are working today, Tuesday 27th October and all deliveries and collections should be made as normal today. We’re doing everything possible to deliver all mail delayed by last week’s industrial action during the next few days.

Important information about Royal Mail services this week

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has chosen to call further national strike action this week, plus specific action affecting collections in many parts of London on Friday. The details are as follows:

Date Functions striking General service impact
Thursday 29th October Mail Centres & Network Distribution Units Limited processing, movement and collection of ordinary mail (if local collections performed by a Mail Centre).
Friday 30th October Manual Data Entry Centres (coding of poorly addressed mail) No direct impact on collections or deliveries.

London Collections Hubs Limited collections in all parts of the SE, N, NW and WC postal districts.
Limited collections in the E1, E2, E4, E5, E8 to E11, E17, E18, SW11 to SW20 postcode areas and all parts of the W district (except W5, W7, W13).
Collections in most other areas of London, including the EC district, as normal on Friday.
Saturday 31st October Delivery Offices Limited delivery and collection of ordinary mail (if local collections performed by a Delivery Office)

We are really sorry for the significant disruption and inconvenience industrial action being taken by the CWU is having on customers and for the uncertainty further strike announcements will cause. We are continuing to urge the CWU to call off all strike action and concentrate with us on supporting customers during the Autumn and Christmas peak mail period.

In the event this planned strike action takes place, national mail services on Thursday and Saturday will be very limited and delay to the collection, sorting, distribution and delivery of mail will be inevitable. Collections in many parts of London will be disrupted on Friday 30th October.

What we will do to maintain and recover service

If the industrial action goes ahead, Royal Mail has strong contingency plans to do all we can to keep mail moving and minimise disruption for our customers:

  • Keep mail moving – over 900 managerial and contract drivers will move mail around the country on strike days.
  • Delivering mail – we will continue to deliver premium service (Special Delivery™ and Royal Mail Tracked™) items to customers throughout the week.
  • Use of around 5000 managerial and support people – to maintain premium services, open callers’ offices and to collect mail from Post Office® branches, posting boxes and customers where possible on strike days.
  • Support the distribution of packets and parcels - we have five additional, dedicated and fully staffed sorting centres set up, to aid the distribution of goods through our network.
  • Deploy a targeted service recovery plan – concentrate our substantial support resources in areas most affected to deliver mail after the strikes.

More information

More information about services in your area, plus answers to your most frequently asked questions relating to the industrial action, are available via the following links:

Sign up for free email service updates at www.royalmail.com/myserviceupdates

Frequently Asked Questions

You can also check our most frequently asked questions for information relating to industrial action. Simply click on the link that best describes the type of customer you are:


