2009年12月29日 星期二

Statement update on attempted act of terrorism on Northwest Airlines Flight 253

Statement update on attempted act of terrorism on Northwest Airlines Flight 253

26 December 2009

UCL portico

Regarding the attempted act of terrorism on Northwest Airlines Flight 253, UCL President and Provost, Professor Malcolm Grant, has issued the following statement:

”Based on information now in the public domain, we have good reason to believe that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, now detained in the USA, is a former UCL student who studied Engineering with Business Finance and graduated in 2008. UCL is deeply saddened by these events. This is a university founded on equality and religious tolerance, and strongly committed today to respect for human rights. We are cooperating fully with the authorities in their further investigations.“

Updated: 18.00, 27 December

In addition, UCL Department of Mechanical Engineering have issued this statement:

"Given the intense media interest surrounding Mr Umar Abdulmutallab, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, UCL, can confirm that a person of this name and description attended the Department as a full time student between 2005 and 2008, and studied for an undergraduate degree in Engineering with Business Finance. The Department's association with him ended in June 2008 after he successfully graduated.

"The Department in common with UCL admits students solely on the basis of their academic abilities without regard to a person's political, racial or religious background. During his time on the course Mr Abdulmutallab never gave his tutors any cause for concern, and was a well mannered, quietly spoken, polite and able young man. We are deeply shocked by the recent news concerning Mr Abdulmutallab.

"The Department is currently cooperating with the authorities in their investigations, and as such cannot issue any further information covering Mr Abdulmutallab's period at UCL."

Updated: 19.00, 28 December

美炸機案 嫌犯母校震驚 英政府調查 【12/29 10:15】


倫敦大學學院(University College London,UCL)昨天發表聲明指出,阿布杜穆塔拉布(Umar FaroukAbdulmutallab)2005到去年在UCL攻讀機械工程,在校期間是一名「溫文有禮,講話輕聲細語,而且有能力的學生」,對於他的 涉入炸機案,教職員都感到「十分震驚」。

UCL 機械工程系發表聲明指出,「機械工程系可以證實,阿布杜穆塔拉布2005到去年在本系就讀大學部,同時修習企業財務課程,去年他成功結束所有的課程畢業」。

聲明說,UCL 與機械工程系不過問學生的政治、種族或宗教背景,只考慮學生的學術能力,「阿布杜穆塔拉布就讀期間從未帶給授課老師任何的麻煩,而且是溫文有禮,講話輕聲細語,功課佳的年輕人」。

對於炸機未遂案爆發後,媒體密集的報導,UCL 教職員都感到極為震驚;機械工程系目前正與政府密切合作進行調查。



