2010年3月16日 星期二

The Small House in Eighteenth-Century London

  • June 2004
    360 p., 9 3/4 x 11 1/4
    220 b/w + 50 color illus.
    ISBN: 9780300102383
    ISBN-10: 0300102380
  • Cloth: $85.00 sc

The Small House in Eighteenth-Century London

  • Peter Guillery; Drawings by Andrew Donald; New Photographs by Derek Kendall

Shortlisted for the 2005 Royal Institute of British Architects Award given by RIBA Magazine

Finalist for the 2006 Historians of British Art Book Prize in the Single author, pre-circa 1800 subject category.

Winner of the Alice Davis Hitchcock Medallion 2006

London’s modest eighteenth-century houses—those inhabited by artisans and laborers in the unseen parts of Georgian London—can tell us much about the culture of that period. This fascinating book examines largely forgotten small houses that survive from the eighteenth century and sheds new light on both the era’s urban architecture and the lives of a culturally distinctive metropolitan population.

Peter Guillery discusses how and where, by and for whom the houses were built, stressing vernacular continuity and local variability. He investigates the effects of creeping industrialization (both on house building and on the occupants), and considers the nature of speculative suburban growth. Providing rich and evocative illustrations, he compares these houses to urban domestic architecture elsewhere, as in North America, and suggests that the eighteenth-century vernacular metropolis has enduring influence.

Peter Guillery is a senior investigator for English Heritage.

2010-03-16 14:55:00

英國倫敦市中心一個面積僅十一呎乘五點五呎的蚊型住宅,較一張標準桌球枱還要細,但整個單位售價絕不便宜,盛惠二十萬英鎊,價錢較英 國的平均房價還要多三萬五千鎊。這個蚊型住宅單位坐落高尚的knightsbridge區,毗鄰著名的哈羅德百貨公司。整個單位的面積較一張面積十二呎乘 六呎的標準桌球枱還要小,堪稱超迷你的住宅。它原本是一個雜物櫃,於一九八七年改裝成迷你單位,當時由一名秘書以三萬六千五百鎊買下。現時的屋主是四十九 歲的巴克,原居於巴思的他四年前以十二萬鎊購入,以方便在倫敦上班。為了節省客廳空間,他的梳化可以在晚上變成床。至於面積僅六十點五平方呎的洗手間,內 設迷你浴室,當不用洗澡時,便把它作為衣櫃掛衫。開放式廚房亦設於客廳內,僅貼梳化床。他笑言,可以一邊洗衣服,一邊躺在梳化床上等候;由於單位面積太 小,根本可以同一時間煮咖啡、洗澡及應門。


