2011年2月26日 星期六

Fox found on 72nd floor





動物中心創立人柏登(Ted Burden)表示,「我們做了徹底的身體檢查、請牠吃了幾頓好料,並向牠解釋如果狐狸想要住在72樓,就該長翅膀。」(譯者:中央社楊盈)1000226

Fox found on 72nd floor of UK’s highest skyscraper

A fox dubbed Romeo has been found living on the 72nd floor of Europe's tallest skyscraper surviving off scraps of food left by construction workers.

Romeo the fox, Shard Romeo the fox, the first tenant of London's Shard, is removed by Southwark Council after living the high life for two weeks.

Romeo spent two weeks roaming free and surviving on scraps of food left by builders at the 288 metre Shard building at London Bridge, which is still under construction.

The Shard, Romeo the fox

The fox had managed to make his way to the top of the tower via the central stairwell.

Romeo was caught by Southwark Council pest control officers and taken to Riverside Animal Centre in Wallington where the hungry explorer was given a thorough medical and a few good meals.

He was then released back into the London Bridge area.

Ted Burden, Riverside Animal Centre founder said: 'We explained to him that if foxes were meant to be 72 storeys off the ground, they would have evolved wings.

'We think he got the message and, as we released him back on to the streets of Bermondsey shortly after midnight on Sunday, he glanced at the Shard and then trotted off in the other direction,' added Mr Burden.

Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling at Southwark Council, said: 'Romeo has certainly been on a bit of a jaunt, and proved rather elusive, but I'm glad our pest control officers were able to help out.

'He's obviously a resourceful little chap, but I'm sure he's glad the adventure is over and hopefully he'll steer well clear of skyscrapers in the future.'


