2011年4月1日 星期五

"Lodon Bowl"

"Lodon Bowl",the 2012 Olympic stadium have finished the construction
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According to French media reports, the London 2012 Olympic stadium has been completed in the March 29 Mayor of London, the London 2012 Olympics will be referred to as “wonderful milestone.”

When the London Organising Committee Chairman Sebastian Coe and the International Olympic Committee, Namibian sprinter Frankie Fredericks will be the last piece of turf with the shop into the stadium, London Olympic Stadium was officially completed.

Stratford in East London “London bowl” from the 5250 cost 486 million pounds more than 3 years when the construction workers to complete, which can accommodate 80,000 spectators, the stadium field covers an area of ​​9,000 square meters, will serve as the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic The main stadium will be used, in addition to a race, but also the opening and closing ceremonies of the host.

Sebastian Coe said, “Olympic Stadium is the Olympic Park in the heart of the London Olympics. While we completed on time and within budget, but there is still a lot of preparatory work to be done to ensure that the Olympic Games in July 2012 held brilliant.”

“Now we only need to do further decoration of the venue, including internal runway, the external walls and other parts of it in 2012 we presented a splendid atmosphere of the Olympic Games.”

Fredericks said, “to prepare athletes for the Olympic Games will be hard, it will certainly enjoy the best venues in the conditions here, I believe that athletes will not be disappointed.”

Allegedly, after the end of 2012 London Olympic Games, the venue of the facilities will be removed and the Premier League West Ham United as the main venue used.

1.“倫敦碗”竣工期創奧運之最 2012年倫敦奧運會主場館“倫敦碗”當地時間3月29日竣工。這項工程創造了世界紀錄,讓倫敦奧運會成為奧運歷史上在開幕式前最早完成主場館建造的一屆,而且實際耗資還比預算少了1000萬英鎊。


