2011年8月25日 星期四

Blood, sweat and tears

30年之後也許許多人都沒感覺 W. 邱吉爾之領導魅力


Blood, sweat and tears


Hard work and effort in difficult circumstances.


The expression 'blood, sweat and tears' is usually said to have been coined by Sir Winston Churchill in his famous "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" speech in 1940, when he warned the British people of the hardships to come in fighting WWII. Each country seems to have a shortlist of people to whom they attribute colourful quotations that lack an accredited author. In the USA the sage of choice is Mark Twain; in Ireland, Oscar Wilde and in England, Winston Churchill. However, it wasn't Churchill who coined 'blood, sweat and tears' - ultimately it is has a biblical source.

The first occurrence of the expression that I can find in print is in Sermons on Various Subjects by Christmas Evans, translated from the Welsh by J. Davis, 1837:

Christ the High Priest of our profession, when he laid down his life for us on Calvary, was bathed in his own blood, sweat and tears.

Evans, a.k.a. 'The John Bunyan of Wales' (25 December 1766 - 1838) was an eccentric but widely admired preacher. We can't now be sure if it was he who coined the phrase or his translator. Either way, we can be sure that the phrase was in the language by 1837.

Christmas Evans knew the Bible by heart and was no doubt influenced in his choice of words by this passage from The King James Bible, Luke 22:44:

And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Churchill, although no great theological scholar, borrowed 'blood, sweat and tears' for his famous wartime speech and can certainly take the credit for the popular take-up of the phrase into everyday language.

Blood, Sweat and TearsAl Cooper picked up on the phrase as the name for his new jazz-rock band in 1967. Cooper could hardly have known how apt a choice it was. The band has gone through more disagreements, sackings and changes of direction than most, with at least 140 musicians having been members at some point.

Many of the things Churchill is supposed to have said are wrongly attributed. One of the better ones that can be verified is his exchange with the socialite and politician Nancy Astor:

Astor: Winston, if I were your wife I would put poison in your coffee!
Churchill: And if I were your husband I would drink it.

My favourite Churchillism is a supposed reply to an unwelcome letter that has all the hallmarks of the man's work but is probably apocryphal:

"Dear Sir, I am in the smallest room in the house and your letter is before me. Very soon it will be behind me."

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