2011年8月21日 星期日

朱自清的倫敦: 酒?/BBC /The Daily Express Building/Cleopatra's Needle,

第 122 頁
十五日星期二陰 與李同去艦隊街看《每日快報》新的辦公大樓。這個建築物的許多玻璃是黑
的,不知何故。大廳裡有一張基督受難圖,雕刻在金銀合金鈑上。這座建築物尚未竣工。 ...
第 127 頁
生活,但並未把它們突出出來。《每日快報》大樓旁邊是《每日電訊報》 ...

第 127 頁
去維多利亞河堤觀賞一個巨大的埃及方尖碑。 ...

Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, "Cleopatra's Needle", on Victoria Embankment, London
Cleopatra's Needle, London

Cleopatra's Needle is the popular name for each of three Ancient Egyptian obelisks re-erected in London, Paris, and New York City during the nineteenth century. The London and New York ones are a pair, while the Paris one comes from a different original site where its twin remains. Although the needles are genuine Ancient Egyptian obelisks, they are somewhat misnamed as they have no particular connection with Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt, and were already over a thousand years old in her lifetime. The London "needle" is one such example, as it is originally the work of 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Thutmose III but was falsely named Cleopatra's needles. The Paris "needle" was the first to be moved and re-erected, and the first to acquire the nickname.

Black vitrolite panelling on the Daily Express Building.

The Daily Express Building (also known as 120 Fleet Street) is a Grade II* listed building located in Fleet Street in the City of London. It was built in 1932 by Sir Owen Williams to serve as the home of the Daily Express newspaper and is one of the most prominent examples of art-deco architecture in London.

The exterior features a black façade with rounded corners in vitrolite and clear glass, with chromium strips. The flamboyant lobby, designed by Robert Atkinson, includes plaster reliefs by Eric Aumonier, silver and gilt decorations, a magnificent silvered pendant lamp and an oval staircase. The furniture inside the building was, for the most part, designed by Betty Joel [1].

The lobby of this building was open to the public on London Open House day, over the 19 and 20 September 2009 weekend. Members of the public were allowed to view the lobby, which is normally off-limits apart from employees of the building and invited guests.[2]

"Britain" Panel from the Daily Express building foyer
"Empire" Panel from the Daily Express building foyer
The aluminium leaf recessed ceiling and pendant lamp

The building is currently occupied by Goldman Sachs.

The Building in the Media

In 1961 the building, the paper and its most famous editor, Arthur Christiansen, starred in the British science fiction film The Day the Earth Caught Fire, featuring a young Michael Caine. The magazine, Private Eye invariably referred to the builing, in the days when it was occupied by the Daily Express, as 'The Black Lubyanka'.


Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/daily-express-building-london#ixzz1ViIiaWT8

Lager (German: storage) is a type of beer that is brewed using bottom-fermenting yeast at lower temperatures and for longer durations than those typically used to brew ales. In German, the term "lager" refers to storing a beer at cool temperatures and does not necessarily imply bottom-fermentation. Pilsener, Bock, Export and Märzen are all styles of lager. Pale lager is the most widely-consumed and commercially available style of beer in the world.

Export hell seidel steiner.png


第 126 頁
五要收費,故未入。我們走過"老牛與長春藤"酒家(一家小酒吧間)和"西班牙人酒館"。 ...

第 38 頁
牛排三盧布,啤酒一盧布半,雞子一盧布半。一士兵甚和藹,入餘等室,但身有異臭, ...第 41 頁
飯於法國飯店,值五法郎七十五生丁,一葷兩素,有啤酒一瓶,甚廉也。下午乘電車赴萬森( ^
; ! !〜! !化) ,觀殖民地展覽會,目迷五色。先至工藝館,次赴各殖民地館, ...

第 128 頁
1932/3/29 二十九日
星期二雨買了一張《從爵士樂到韻律節奏》的講課唱片。後悔買了《厄爾金》Elkin這張唱片 ...

第 304 頁
馬記汽水,又啤酒太貴耳。飯後下山,將出門,有一泉如瓔珞,有數處一線不斷,甚有致。 ...


The headquarters of the BBC at Broadcasting House in Portland Place, London, England

Broadcasting House in Portland Place, London, is the official headquarters of the BBC. It is home to three of the ten BBC national radio networks, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4, and BBC Radio 4 Extra. On the front of the building are statues of Prospero and Ariel, characters from William Shakespeare's play The Tempest, sculpted by Eric Gill.Renovation of Broadcasting House began in 2002 and is scheduled for completion in 2012.


