2013年4月28日 星期日

Just Boris: The Irresistible Rise of a Political Celebrity

(法新社倫敦28日電) 英國首相卡麥隆在今天出刊的一則專訪中承認,他在黨內最大的對手之一倫敦市長強生很可能成為下一任首相。
波瑞斯.強生(Boris Johnson)是英國政壇上最為人知的政治人物之一,被視為是中間偏右保守黨內,卡麥隆(David Cameron)潛在的未來挑戰對手。
「星期泰晤士報」(Sunday Times)問卡麥隆,強生是否能在擔任倫敦市長期間,同時又是國會議員。卡麥隆說:「波瑞斯(強生)可作任何事。這便是波瑞斯故事的寓意。」

Just Boris: The Irresistible Rise of a Political Celebrity

Sonia Purnell

'Just Boris' Description
A major and controversial new biography of one of the most compelling and contradictory figures in modern British life. Born Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, to most of us he is just 'Boris' - the only politician of the age to be regarded in such familiar, even affectionate terms. Uniquely, he combines comedy with erudition, gimlet-eyed focus with jokey self-deprecation, and is a loving family man with a roving eye. He is also a hugely ambitious figure with seemingly no huge ambitions to pursue - other than, perhaps, power itself. In this revealing new biography, written from the vantage point of a once close colleague, Sonia Purnell examines how a shy, young boy from a broken home became our only box-office politician. How the Etonian product fond of Latin tags became a Man of the People; and why he wanted to be. How the gaffe-prone buffoon won the largest personal mandate this country has ever seen; and how the Johnson family built our biggest - and blondest - media and political dynasty. The first forensic account of a remarkable rise to fame and power, Just Boris unravels a political enigma and asks whether the Mayor who dreams of crossing the Thames to Downing Street has what it takes to be Prime Minister.

  • 2011-09-20
  • 中國時報
  • 【江靜玲/倫敦十九日電】
 倫敦市長強森(Boris Johnson)遭老同事爆料,其生活不檢點,連續勾引女人,沒有道德觀,並企圖逃避市長日常忙碌職務,僱用他人代行職務,自己則繼續自由享樂。  英國《每日電訊報》前編輯派內爾(Sonia Purnell)在新書《Just Boris》中,大爆強森私生活內幕。  派內爾指出,強森是花花公子。派駐布魯塞爾期間,瞞著首任妻子,與女律師瑪倫娜不倫交往,事情曝光後,強森才在一九九三年離婚,與瑪倫娜結婚。  但強森偷腥成性,仍然不斷出軌,其中與雜誌女記者安娜費扎克利的緋聞,因女方多次為其墮胎,鬧得滿城風雨。  擔任倫敦市長期間,強森再傳出與市府藝術顧問海倫麥克因特瑞有一腿,後者並為其生下一女。  書中引用海倫麥克因特瑞前同居人、加拿大商人羅林的話說,強森是個「沒道德感」的人。羅林捐八萬英鎊支持倫敦奧運,且以為海倫生下自己骨肉,結果發現自己不是父親。強森從未邀他參與任何奧運活動,也未把捐款退給他。  新書還透露,任倫敦市長前四個月,強森僱用他人代執行市長工作,避開繁重公務,搞得市府人仰馬翻,市府資深官員向強森提出最後警告,才逼使他親自「下海」履行市長職責。


