2011年11月2日 星期三

Lambeth Palace/ St Paul Cathedral

9點才起 昨The Tudors演到 Thomas More 受展斬 --這是特"赦" 原判的之狠 可見各國都相當野蠻


The oldest remaining part of the palace is the Early English chapel. The so-called Lollard’s Tower, which retains evidence of its use as a prison in the 17th century, dates from 1440. There is a fine Tudor brick gatehouse built by Cardinal John Morton in 1495. Cardinal Pole lay in state in the palace for 40 days after he died there in 1558. The fig tree in the palace courtyard is possibly grown from a slip taken from one of the White Marseille figs reputedly planted by Cardinal Pole. In 1786[2] there were three ancient figs, two "nailed against the wall" and still noted in 1826 as "two uncommonly fine... traditionally reported to have been planted by Cardinal Pole, and fixed against that part of the palace believed to have been founded by him. They are of the white Marseilles sort, and still bear delicious fruit. ...On the south side of the building, in a small private garden, is another tree of the same kind and age."[3] By 1882 their place had been taken by several massive offshoots.[4]

倫敦大教堂 暫緩驅逐占領群眾

(法新社倫敦1日電) 英國倫敦聖保羅大教堂(St Paul Cathedral)和倫敦金融城(The City of LondonCorporation)當局,今天決定暫停對教堂外紮營的反資本主義抗議民眾採取法律行動。


聖保羅大教堂主教諾爾斯(Graeme Knowles)因試圖驅趕教堂外響應美國「占領華爾街」運動的抗爭群眾備受批評,昨天辭去主教職務。



占領倫敦交易所(OLSX)抗議團體2週前開始在教堂前廣場紮營,約莫200座彩色帳篷布滿聖保羅大教堂的入口和北側。聖保羅大教堂為建築師雷恩(Christopher Wren)的精心傑作。


然而,聖保羅大教堂改變立場後,倫敦金融城政策委員會主席傅思途(Stuart Fraser)決定「暫停」採取法律行動。




