2012年1月31日 星期二

The Environment Since the Industrial Revolution 工业革命以来的英国环境史

The Environment Since the Industrial Revolution 工业革命以来的英国环境史

The Environment Since the Industrial Revolution
by Harry Lee Smith, September 1993


The Environment Since the Industrial Revolution

作  者:(英)克拉普 著,王黎 译
出 版 社:中国环境科学出版社

   本书将以历史学的分支——环境史问世,然而,在英国对环境史的研究及其成果却乏善可陈。的确,环境史所涉及的内容在理论与写作上至今仍有争议。因此,环 境史学者有机会,也有责任去阐述其研究领域到底应该包括哪些内容。如果断然认为自己的领域才是唯一值得研究的,这样的思维或做法未免过于轻率。不错,明确 著述的范围可能有利于保护自己,或至少可以让那些喜欢抱怨的人们不敢妄加评论。否则,他们会说此书若是由他们来写,就不会沦落到这般地步。那么环境史到底 应该论述哪些内容呢?


第一章 绪论
第一部分 污染与宜人
 第二章 弥漫着烟尘和异味的时代
 第三章 从煤烟的减少到全球变暖
 第四章 紧张的水源
 第五章 土地的流失与开垦
 第六章 迈向一个绿色与舒适的环境
第二部分 挥霍的经济体制及其可能的改革
 第七章 能源
 第八章 金属与矿产
 第九章 是否还有旧金属
 第十章 副产品
 第十一章 结论:经济增长与环境保护

The present and future state of the environment give rise to ever increasing concern, and to an ever increasing body of scholarship, but much less is known as yet about the past the damage done to the environment in the past couple of centuries, how far our predecessors were aware of it, and the steps they took to help. This book makes a substantial contribution to our understanding of these things. Its first half examines the intellectual roots of the environmental movement, in its scientific, economic and aesthetic aspects. It traces the pollution that industry has caused to the air, water and land of Britain, and the remedies that have been taken to safeguard them from further damage. It examines the growing awareness of a heritage to be protected - whether it be ancient monuments or threatened landscapes. The second half considers the economic implications of using up exhaustible resources, and examines ways of economising on finite resources through recycling, the use of by-products and by varying the quality of goods. Finally, it discusses the feasibility of long-run growth in a finite world. These are all key questions for today and tomorrow; and Clapp sets them in perspective, against the background of the past.

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Editorial Reviews


'Clearly written, and innocent of scientific jargon, both natural and social, it will provide a good basic text not only for students of history, but also for those of geography, ecology, planning, and (one would like to hope) business studies.' Business Studies --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Longman Group United Kingdom (August 1994)
  • Language: English


