2013年8月11日 星期日

London to Birmingham/HS2: Phase one of high-speed rail line set for go-ahead,反對之聲隨預算升高


Andrew Testa for the International Herald Tribune
三個主要政黨都對高速2(High Speed 2,簡寫HS2)計劃表示支持,人們還期望利用它來使英國失衡的經濟恢復平衡,把財富從富裕的東南部轉移到正在苦苦掙扎的、後工業化的北部地區。
  • 檢視大圖 批評者稱,倫敦和利茲之間的高速鐵路會對英格蘭阿爾托弗茨地區運河附近的一個小型自然保護區造成破壞。
    Andrew Testa for the International Herald Tribune

負責監管英國軌道和火車站的英國鐵路網(Network Rail)的負責人戴維·希金斯(David Higgins)曾表示,對於把英國鐵路系統的質量提高到歐洲大陸最佳水平而言,30年的持續投資是有必要的。


「北方確實需要投資,我們也的確需要平衡的經濟,而且我們 還需要更好的交通基礎設施,」韋克菲爾德市議會議長彼得·博克斯(Peter Box)說。這座城市擁有32.6萬人口,煤礦開採行業曾經在這裡佔主導地位,但是如今已經消亡。「目前,他們還無法使我們相信這件事在經濟上具有合理 性。」



斯蒂芬·阿布森(Stephen Abson)來自附近的阿爾托弗茨,他說如果鐵路線路繼續按計劃修建,一想到這裡即將出現的噪音,他就感到頭疼。按計劃,火車將以約每小時360公里的速度呼嘯而過,而他家離這裡只有幾百碼之遙。


然而,中立的監督機構英國國家審計辦公室(National Audit Office)在最近發佈的一份報告中對政府的一些考量提出了質疑,並表示就「該項目是否能夠物有所值」得出結論為時尚早。

國家審計辦公室補充道,英國交通部(Department for Transport)「對鐵路運力改革的戰略需求,以及HS2將如何幫助重新平衡經濟發展,沒有給出明確的解釋。」

批准HS2項目的上屆政府,其內閣成員彼得·曼德爾森(Peter Mandelson)如今表示,對這一項目的經濟合理性「研究需要比我們當初做得更透徹。」


但英國負責鐵路事務的大臣西蒙·伯恩斯(Simon Burns)則表示,如果不進行現代化改革,在2020年到2024年間某個時刻,服務於英格蘭西部主要線路的運力將會用盡。

英國政府準備批准一項頗引爭議的工程,也就是在倫敦與伯明罕之間,興健一條高鐵。 預計這條斥資170億英鎊的高鐵將在2016到2026年之間興建,到時候可讓往返這兩座城市的交通只需49分鐘,之後再繼續向北延伸到曼徹斯特及里茲,完成一條Y字型的高鐵。預計總花費在320億英鎊。 ...

HS2: Phase one of high-speed rail line set for go-ahead

Undated handout image issued by HS2 of the Birmingham and Fazeley viaduct, part of the new proposed route for the HS2 high speed rail scheme The 100-mile first-phase of HS2 would be built between 2016 and 2026

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A controversial new high-speed rail line between London and Birmingham is expected to be given the go-ahead by the government later.
Transport Secretary Justine Greening is set to back the 100-mile (160 km) link, which would be built by 2026 and is the first phase of High Speed Two (HS2).
The government says it is the only way to cope with overcrowding but critics argue it will cut through some of England's most picturesque countryside.
The first phase will cost £17bn.
The entire cost of the project - including a second phase Y-shaped section extending to Manchester and Leeds, and possibly further north, by 2033 - is expected to be £32bn.
Supporters say the fleet of 220mph trains will cut the journey time from London to Birmingham to 49 minutes and take pressure of the busiest lines.
The government also argues the project will generate £44bn of benefits to the economy over 60 years.
Legal action
But the project - introduced by Labour in 2010 and continued by the coalition government - has proved highly controversial.


Big infrastructure projects often carry potential for both environmental benefit and harm; and HS2 is no exception.
The big potential positive is reduced greenhouse gas emissions, as people switch from flying and driving to letting the train take the strain.
But the government's own projections show there's no guarantee this will happen. HS2 might not reduce flights at all.
In any case, the trains will only be a green transport option if the electricity they use comes from low-carbon source - which hands on continuing government support for renewables and nuclear.
The project could damage important local habitats.
County wildlife trusts estimate than more than 150 nature sites could be affected, including 10 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs).
The government argues that the toll will be far lower.
Residents in the Chilterns, including some Conservative MPs, have opposed the project, and many protest groups have formed to oppose the scheme.
They say the planned route crosses an area of outstanding natural beauty and it will damage the environment. They also claim it will fail to bring the economic benefits promised by the government, and the money would be better spent on improving existing lines.
Opponents up and down the route are considering legal action, which could substantially delay the project.
However, the latest review by Network Rail, released last week, found that two main alternatives favoured by opponents could not "generate the capacity" needed.
Transport secretary Ms Greening is expected to announce more measures to mitigate the worst affects of the line.
BBC transport correspondent Richard Westcott says the government's decision is unlikely to be the end of the journey.
MPs will vote on a bill just before the next election, he says, and it will be at least 14 years before anyone will be catching a new high speed train.
Shadow transport secretary Maria Eagle said the decision was "an important milestone in the delivery of the HSR link first proposed by Labour in government".
Ms Eagle said analysis of alternatives had shown HS2 was the best way to address worsening capacity issues on main rail lines while cutting journey times.
"HS2 will now be taken forward on a cross-party basis to give it the certainty a major project of this kind needs," she added.
'Empty promise'
High-speed rail line
Ms Eagle said unless the coalition government sought parliamentary approval for the entire line then any commitment to build the whole route would be seen as an "empty promise".
Michael Roberts, chief executive of the Association of Train Operating Companies, said: "HS2 is a vote of confidence in the railways and recognition of the vital role the industry has to play in supporting jobs and driving sustainable economic growth."
But the Taxpayers' Alliance, a pressure group which lobbies for lower taxes, said the project would leave "generations of ordinary taxpayers paying for a train set that will mostly be used by the rich".
"HSR is a white elephant that won't help the millions of commuters stuck on overcrowded trains up and down Britain," said Emma Boon, campaign director.
Sarah Lee, head of policy for the Countryside Alliance, urged the government to reconsider rather than approve a scheme "without full consideration of the devastating impact HS2 will have on Britain's countryside or the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people living along the route".

London to Birmingham

09 January 2012

Train times result





  • 11:37 London Marylebone 13:19 Birmingham Moor Street 1h 42m 0 super off-peak
  • 11:43 London Euston 13:08 Birmingham New Street 1h 25m 0 off-peak
  • 11:46 London Euston 14:01 Birmingham New Street 2h 15m 0 super off-peak
  • 12:03 London Euston 13:27 Birmingham New Street 1h 24m 0 off-peak
  • 12:07 London Marylebone 14:04 Birmingham Snow Hill 1h 57m 0 super off-peak
  • 12:13 London Euston 14:16 Birmingham New Street 2h 3m 0 super off-peak
  • 12:23 London Euston 13:45 Birmingham New Street 1h 22m 0 off-peak
  • 12:37 London Marylebone 14:18 Birmingham Moor Street 1h 41m 0 super off-peak
  • 12:43 London Euston 14:08 Birmingham New Street 1h 25m 0 off-peak
  • 12:46 London Euston 15:01 Birmingham New Street 2h 15m 0 super off-peak

London to Birmingham train times information

Trains to Birmingham depart from London Euston or Marylebone every ten minutes on average. The journey takes one and a half to two hours, although some indirect routes do take longer. Trains terminate at either Snow Hill or New Street station in Birmingham. Services are run by Virgin Trains, Chiltern Railways and London Midland.
Virgin Trains offers frequent direct services between London and Birmingham. While on board, travellers can access the internet through Virgin’s wireless connection; this service is free for first class ticket holders and available for a nominal fee to standard fare passengers.
Chiltern Railways offers quiet zones and provides catering services on most trips between Banbury and Birmingham Moor Street.
London Midland provides an at-seat trolley service for passengers on daytime runs between London and Birmingham.
*Information correct at time of writing (March 2011). May be subject to change


