2012年3月22日 星期四

UK corporate taxes 有竞争力的税收制度

台灣青年失業率12.7%「相對較好」 陳冲:英國接近50%

陳冲今天表示,保有年輕的心是非常重要的,因為唯有年輕的心,人才能保持活力、保持熱情,為理想而奮鬥,因此他特別強調「人可以老,但心不可以 老」。他指出,也許有些人會質疑年輕人是nothing to lose,才勇於嘗試任何事,但過去歷史不乏例證說明年輕人即便something to lose,也可以勇敢做很多事,例如林覺民,全是因為他有一顆年輕的心。
陳冲並舉了英國工黨領袖Ed Miliband一次對年輕人的演說為例,Miliband強調自己是人老心不老,並說明年輕就是「對過去感到謙卑、對於未來保持理想(Being humble about past,being idealistic about future)」,也希望在場的人現在年輕、未來10、20年,一直到100歲都保持年輕的心、保持理想性。
陳冲也提到,對全世界的年輕人而言,這是一個焦慮的世代。以台灣來說,全國失業率4.18%,20-24歲年齡層的失業率12.71%;以英國來 說,全國失業率11%,年輕人失業率接近50%。他說,失業率偏高,特別是年輕人失業率,是世界普遍的現象,台灣因為過去的努力,表現相對其他國家較好, 但是政府仍會繼續努力降低失業率。

Lex_UK corporate taxes


A competitive tax regime – frankly who wouldn’t want one? The UK government said two years ago that it wished to create the most competitive corporate tax regime among the Group of 20 largest economies. In yesterday’s Budget it took another step in that direction, announcing that the headline rate of corporation tax would fall to 22 per cent by 2014, from 24 per cent in April. So companies that pay their taxes in the UK have reason to cheer. But as with a lot of things fiscal, appearances can be deceptive.
有竞争力的税收制度?坦率地说,哪个国家不想实行。英国政府两年前表示,希望制定出在20国集 团(G20)中最有竞争力的企业所得税制度。英国如今朝着上述方向又迈出了一步。根据周三公布的预算案,到2014年,英国企业所得税的基本税率将从今年 4月份的24%降至22%。于是,在英国纳税的企业有理由欢呼了。但与许多财政事务一样,表象可能具有欺骗性。
True, the headline rate of tax is an important number – it is arguably the hinge around which companies consider tax minimisation measures. The UK’s headline rate is already lower than those of similar economies such as Germany and France, and is much lower than either the US or Japan, where the corporate tax rate is around 40 per cent. But three things need to be borne in mind.
First, the UK offers fewer allowances to companies than other G20 countries on investment in fixed assets such as plant and machinery and industrial buildings. This hits the manufacturing sector above all. If the government wants to rebalance the UK economy away from financial services, this needs to be addressed. Second, the lower headline rate of tax benefits a relatively narrow group of very large companies. According to the Centre for Business Taxation at Oxford university, 80 per cent of UK corporation tax is paid by 1 per cent of companies – very large companies and multinationals.
第一,在厂房、机器和工业建筑等固定资产的投资方面,英国给予企业的补贴比20国集团的其他国 家都要低。这首先就对制造业不利。如果英国政府打算降低金融服务业的比重、实现经济再平衡,就必须解决好这个问题。第二,降低企业基本税率只能惠及相对少 数的大企业。牛津大学(Oxford)企业税收研究中心的分析表明,英国80%的企业所得税来自1%的公司,包括非常大型的企业和跨国企业。
Third, and most important, is the context in which taxes are being cut for UK-based companies. Four years after the financial crisis, companies globally are awash with cash: $1.7tn among US companies, €2tn in the eurozone, and £750bn in the UK. A really competitive tax regime would encourage companies to invest their cash, not just to grow it.




