2012年6月4日 星期一

National Lending Library for Science and Technology

晚上 見高等教育老闆很認真在更新電腦 與他聊天 因有本錢三強論文集 要賣900多   跟老闆談倫敦有專收技圖書館 我1978年寫論文時曾造訪過 (台灣採取補助立大學專案買書方式 (不限技))

所以我試找當年倫敦的專門科技圖書館 我是去找 National Physical Lab. 關於Calibration方面的資料
現在網路的第一頁竟然只有 國家圖書館的科技書外借部
 所以姑且先貼上 以後再查考


National Lending Library for Science and Technology

The third major component of the British Library consisted of the National Central Library or NCL which began operation in 1916 in London and the National Lending Library for Science and Technology (NLLST), in service since 1961 at Boston Spa in Yorkshire. These were amalgamated in 1973 as the British Library Lending Division (BLLD).
The function of the Lending Division was to support the library systems of the UK by providing a loan and photocopy service to other libraries throughout the country.
The NLLST had a stock specialising in science and technology, containing 25,000 monographs and subscriptions to 1,200 serials; its staff numbered 120. Around 600 tons of the NCL stock, which specialised in humanities and social sciences, was transferred to Yorkshire during the Library's first year of formation. The semi-rural site at Boston Spa occupies around 60 acres of an ex-munitions factory and is well served by road links for easy distribution.
During the 1970s the range of services was expanded and made available to international customers and use of technology became a more integral part of the service. The use of Automated Requesting grew by about 40% in this time and the Lending Division often acted in collaboration with academic and scientific partners in early days of exploring the future of fax transmission and satellite communications.
In 1985, the title was changed to the British Library Document Supply Centre to reflect the changing emphasis of document supply in which a greater proportion of requests were for copies of articles rather than loans. The stock has grown over the years and now contains over 260,000 journal titles, over 3 million books, almost 500,000 conference proceedings and almost 5 million reports, mostly of a scientific nature.
Current business from document supply totals about 4,000,000 requests per year from 20,000 customers worldwide. In 2001 the 100 millionth request was received. Services are now provided not just to the traditional customer base of UK and international librarians and information professionals, but also to commercial and business users and individual researchers. Use of the Web has provided direct access to our collection information and supply services, and location is no longer an issue for distribution, as document supply moves increasingly to electronic delivery.


