2012年7月12日 星期四

Eva Rausing death




當時,伊娃(Eva)和漢斯·勞辛(Hans Rausing)夫婦發誓將改過自新。但事實並非如此。周一,48歲的伊娃·勞辛的屍體在他們位於切爾西的豪宅樓上的一個卧室內被發現。此前不久,警方發 現她49歲的丈夫在開車途中駕駛不穩,並因涉嫌窩藏毒品將其逮捕。目前,勞辛正在接受藥物治療,警察則在等待對他進行審問。
Andy Rain/European Pressphoto Agency
Alan Davidson/Associated Press


勞辛的妻子曾是一些著名戒毒慈善機構的支持者,勞辛本人還被查爾斯王子稱讚為“一個很獨特的慈善家,”然而他們在公眾面前出現的次數卻越來越少。本周一些英國小報發表了據說是他們在最近幾個月里的照片,照片上伊娃·勞辛看上去消瘦而悲傷;而勞辛則頭戴棒球帽,衣着很不合身,看上去神情恍惚,頭髮凌 亂。

“這是很長一段時間來都存在的問題,” 伊娃·勞辛的朋友利茲·布魯爾(Liz Brewer)對天空新聞(Sky News)的記者說。“很明顯她毒癮很深,而且想要戒毒。我覺得這件事從頭到尾就是場悲劇。”

二十年前正是毒品,或者說是對戒毒的願望使這對夫婦在美國的一個戒毒所相遇。美國人伊娃·勞辛也出身在富有家庭:英國新聞媒體報道稱她的父親湯姆·凱梅尼(Tom Kemeny)以前曾是百事的高管,在南卡羅萊納海岸擁有一個島嶼,還在巴巴多斯和倫敦都有房產。

但是凱梅尼家的財富和勞辛家從20世紀50年代奠基於瑞典的產業幾乎不能相提並論。當時,老漢斯·勞辛(Hans Rausing Sr.)在自己父親創建的公司基礎上發展了利樂包的產業帝國,生產形狀特別的密封紙盒,可以給牛奶配送和存儲提供造價低廉而又衛生的包裝。這個公司後來又 將業務擴展到其它輕便便宜的包裝生意上, 比如為湯和水果飲料提供包裝盒。

3月,在《福布斯》雜誌的世界富豪排行榜上,老漢斯·勞辛(Hans Rausing)以約100億美元的資產名列第88位。他的個人資料里說道,勞辛於1995年將所持有的股份轉賣給了自己的弟弟加德(Gad)。據估計, 出售價格約為70億美元。資料里還提到,為了規避瑞典的高額稅收,他搬到了英格蘭南部東薩塞克斯(East Sussex)郊區的一座佔地900畝的莊園。

他的全名是漢斯·克里斯蒂安·勞辛(Hans Kristian Rausing),在家族裡也被叫做漢斯·K(Hans K.)。他家裡有三個孩子。他似乎從來沒有過一份嚴肅的工作。年輕的時候,他踏上了所謂的“嬉皮之旅”,去了印度和加德滿都(Katmandu)。而那 時,他的兩個姐姐則攻讀了高等學位並投身於慈善事業。大姐莉絲貝特(Lisbet)同她的丈夫一同管理着一家名叫阿卡迪亞(Arcadia)的慈善信託基 金,老二西格麗德(Sigrid)每年通過自己的信託基金髮放3000萬美元善款,同時擁有文學雜誌《格蘭塔》(Granta)、《格蘭塔》的出版機構格 蘭塔出版公司(Granta Books)以及波多貝羅出版公司(Portobello Books)。朋友們說,大家都知道她弟弟病得很重,除了說到替他撫養孩子時,她從不提及這個弟弟。


戒癮行動(Action on Addiction)的首席執行官尼克·巴頓(Nick Barton)表示,她一直非常投入、積極。直到2003年,伊娃一直都是戒癮行動的受託人。


隨後,警方搜查了勞辛的家,查出了更多毒品,除了低純可卡因和海洛因外,還有純可卡因,據說價值幾千美元。勞辛夫婦被指控犯了持有毒品罪。但後來, 慈善組織及他們那些有影響力的朋友寫了很多信,表示對他們的支持,這項指控被撤銷了。民眾們很憤怒,認為這對夫婦因為有關係而輕易地逃脫了制裁。


Alan Cowell 協助採訪。

Mysterious Death of U.S. Philanthropist Captivates U.K.

Police discovered Eva Rausing's body Monday after arresting her husband on drug charges.

 Police tape lines the outside of the house of Eva Rausing in Knightsbridge on July 10, 2012 in London
Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images.
The mysterious death of the American-born wife of a TetraPak heir, among the imposing stucco mansions along London's Cadogan Place, has captivated Britain's tabloids and raised unsettling questions about the intersection of drugs, wealth, and addiction.
London police discovered the body of 48-year-old Eva Rausing on Monday, after arresting her husband, whom officials suspected of possessing illegal drugs. When the police went to search the couple's home, they found Rausing lying dead in a bedroom. According to the Daily Mail, Rausing's body may have gone undiscovered for days. London's homicide unit is currently investigating the case.
Hans Kristian Rausing, Eva's husband, was taken into custody after he was spotted driving erratically in south London, the New York Times reports. He has since been transferred to a hospital, where he is receiving treatment for drug-related complications and is awaiting questioning by the police.
The couple, who met in an American rehab clinic, were among the wealthiest in Britain and were dedicated supporters of the nation's charities. Eva was a trustee of the Prince's Foundation for Building Community, which is the personal philanthropy organization of Prince Charles. Their fortune derived from TetraPak, the company founded by Hans's grandfather, who pioneered the sale of flat-top milk cartons and other beverages.
Weeks before Hans's arrest, photographs emerged in the British press that showed the pair looking gaunt and disheveled. Eva, who has often been seen at charity events in radiant dresses, looked pale and exhausted in a pair of jean shorts. In another photograph, Hans, also pale, is barely recognizable in a nondescript jacket and faded black trousers.

 Click here to find out more!

Eva Rausing death: Tetra Pak heiress 'may have been dead for a week'

Pathologists were unable to find an immediate cause of death apparently due to the state of the body

Tragic couple: Hans Kristian and Eva struggled with addiction despite their wealth
Tragic couple: Hans Kristian and Eva struggled with addiction despite their wealth

Alan Davidson/WireImage
The body of Tetra Pak heiress Eva Rausing may have lay in the bedroom of the couple's London mansion for up to a week, it was reported today.
The 48-year-old was discovered by police after they arrested her husband Hans Kristian on suspicion of possessing drugs on Monday.
Pathologists were unable to find an immediate cause of death apparently due to the state of the body, lending weight to the theory that she had died some days ago.
Husband Hans Kristian was arrested over her death and taken to hospital, where today he was still receiving "medical treatment".
It is likely that he will remain in hospital 'for days'.
Today pictures emerged of Eva and Hans Kristian looking gaunt and dishevelled just weeks ago.
The couple looked almost unrecognisable.
Despite his fortune, the normally well-dressed Hans, stepped out wearing a mismatched outfit of grubby-looking black trousers, a blue striped polo shirt, black blazer and green baseball cap.
His normally glamorous looking wife, Eva, wore denim shorts, open-toed sandals and an oversized black coat.
She had no make-up and her hair looked bedraggled.

Eva Rausing
Unrecognisable: Hans' normally glamorous looking wife, Eva, had no make-up and her hair looked bedraggled


