2013年1月11日 星期五

Jimmy Savile scandal: Report reveals decades of abuse

Jimmy Savile scandal: Report reveals decades of abuse

jimmy savile Sexual abuse allegations against Jimmy Savile emerged after his death
Adults and children, including a boy of eight, were abused by Jimmy Savile, a report detailing allegations over 50 years has revealed.
Police and the NSPCC outlined offences by the late presenter at venues including 13 hospitals and a hospice.
Some 214 crimes were recorded across 28 police force areas, including 34 of rape or penetration, the report said.
The CPS apologised for missing the opportunity to prosecute Savile in 2009, while he was still alive.
The Metropolitan Police said the victims' accounts painted a "compelling picture of widespread sexual abuse by a predatory sex offender", and Cdr Peter Spindler, who is leading the investigation, said Savile had "groomed the nation".
The NSPCC said Savile had been one of the most prolific sex offenders in its 129-year history.
'Sincere apology' The former BBC presenter of Top Of The Pops and Jim'll Fix It, who also worked as a Radio 1 DJ and received a knighthood in 1990, died aged 84 in October 2011 - a year before the allegations were broadcast in an ITV documentary.
Revelations that Savile had sexually abused children prompted hundreds of victims to come forward, including those who said they were attacked on BBC premises and a number of other institutions.
Commander Peter Spindler: "We will... make sure victims in the future have a voice"
NSPCC director of child protection advice and awareness Peter Watt said: "The sheer scale of Savile's abuse over six decades simply beggars belief.
"He is without doubt one of the most prolific sex offenders we have ever come across and every number represents a victim that will never get justice now he is dead."
The Giving Victims a Voice report set out the findings of Operation Yewtree, which launched three months ago to investigate the Savile abuse claims.
The 30-page document detailed a number of findings, including:
  • Savile offended at 13 hospitals, including Great Ormond Street, with one offence recorded at Wheatfields Hospice in 1977
  • A total of 14 offences were recorded in relation to schools
  • Savile's youngest victim was an eight-year-old boy, and the oldest was a 47-year-old woman
  • The earliest allegation is from 1955 in Manchester and the last is from 2009
  • Offences were carried out at the BBC between 1965 and 2006, including at the last Top of the Pops recording
  • Peak offending took place between 1966 and 1976
  • A total of 450 people have made sexual abuse allegations against Savile since October - of whom 73% were under 18, with most aged 13 to 16
  • There is "no clear evidence" he operated in paedophile ring, although "whether he was part of an informal network" is still being investigated
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt: "We want to know that we have the right procedures in place"
In response to the report, the BBC said it was "appalled" some of the offences were committed on its premises and restated a "sincere apology to the victims of these crimes".
The report also revealed 16 offences were committed at Leeds General Infirmary between 1965-95 and 22 at Stoke Mandeville Hospital between 1965-88.
One offence was committed at each of the following hospitals - Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital, St James Leeds Hospital, High Royds Psychiatric Hospital, Dewsbury Hospital, Wycombe General Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital in 1971, Ashworth Hospital, Exeter Hospital, Royal Portsmouth Hospital, St Catherine's Hospital in Birkenhead, and Saxondale Mental Health.

Jimmy Savile inquiries

  • Operation Yewtree Scotland Yard criminal investigation into sexual abuse claims against Savile and others linked to the presenter
  • BBC investigation led by former Sky News head Nick Pollard into management failures over the dropping of Newsnight report about Savile
  • BBC investigation led by former Appeal Court judge Dame Janet Smith into corporation's culture and practices during Savile's career and current child protection and whistle-blowing policies
  • BBC investigation led by Dinah Rose QC into handling of past sexual harassment claims
  • Department of Health investigation into its own conduct in appointing Savile to lead a "taskforce" overseeing management of high security psychiatric hospital Broadmoor in 1988
  • Director of Public Prosecutions review into decisions by the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute Savile in 2009
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said he wanted to be able to assure NHS patients that it would be "much, much harder" for abuse on such a scale to happen again by establishing whether NHS procedures were to blame.
He told BBC Radio 4's World at One programme that the scale of the challenge for the NHS's investigation into Savile's abuse on its premises was "absolutely huge" because it would cover a period of about 40 years.
Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper called for "a proper overarching review led by child protection experts into why everyone failed to stop Savile and what should be done now".
"A myriad of small reviews and inquiries into how it could happen in different hospitals or the BBC are just not enough," she said.
The Crown Prosecution Service also published a review of a decision in 2009 not to charge Savile with sexual offences in relation to four complaints made to police in Surrey and Sussex.
It said further action might have been possible had "police and prosecutors taken a different approach", prompting director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer to apologise on behalf of the CPS and say the report represented a "watershed moment".
Deborah Cogger describes being abused by Savile at the age of 14
'Extremely distressing' Great Ormond Street Hospital called the report "extremely distressing", adding the allegation relating to the hospital was "not reported at the time and therefore neither the police nor GOSH hold any records relating to the matter".
Wheatfields Hospice said it was "appalled and dismayed" to hear the allegation against it and its "thoughts are with the individual involved and their family at this difficult time".
BBC media correspondent Torin Douglas said the main target for victims making compensation claims would be the Savile estate. The BBC could also be targeted, he added.
The 14 medical institutions and two others where Savile carried out some of his offences
Operation Yewtree has three strands - claims against Savile, claims against Savile and others, and claims against others. The report marks the end of the investigation into claims against Savile.
The allegations against Savile prompted a series of investigations, including three at the BBC and another by the Department of Health into his role at Broadmoor.
The Dame Janet Smith Review, which is looking into the culture and practices of the BBC while Savile was an employee, said it had now been contacted by more than 350 people. The investigation is ongoing.

BBC私人文化與其公眾立場不一致?英國《金融時報》 約翰•勞埃德報導

對任何廣播公司來說,英國廣播公司(BBC)最近面臨的指控都是極其嚴重的問題——該公司被指試圖掩蓋其電視主持人吉米•薩維爾(Jimmy Savile)性侵兒童的說法。這個問題發生在BBC身上尤其讓人難以理解,因為從上世紀60年代以來,BBC就一直在弘揚人權與公民權,提請人們關注惡棍對婦女和兒童的性侵威脅方面扮演著主要角色。
埃絲特•蘭森(Esther Rantzen)是BBC的前明星主持人,她曾主持備受歡迎的消費者事務節目《這就是生活! 》(That's Life!)長達21年之久。他在節目中曝光過一家名為Crookham Hall的寄宿學校發生的戀童癖醜聞——當然也還曝光很多其他情況。後來,蘭森通過自己創立的BBC節目Childwatch,推出了旨在保護兒童不受虐待的諮詢服務Childline,從此開通了一條24小時為受虐兒童提供幫助的熱線。她的節目以及她的慈善工作體現了BBC從上世紀60年代延續至今的價值觀——僅從這一點就可以斷定,以往那些發生在BBC、但可能被忽視或未引起足夠重視的虐待行為是不可原諒的。
正因如此,BBC非常容易遭到偽善的指責,也容易被人批評對外與對內的做法(或無所作為)自相矛盾。 BBC一方面在積極宣揚關懷弱勢群體的文化,另一方面卻對旗下某大牌明星侵害弱勢人群的傳言無動於衷,正是因為其內部文化未能跟公眾立場保持一致。
BBC熟悉的小報對頭《太陽報》(Sun)和《每日郵報》(the Daily Mail)始終對名流的偽善明察秋毫。這一丑聞為它們豎起了巨大的靶子,它們用異乎尋常的火力攻擊目標——在幾個月不斷攻擊BBC的可疑行為之後,它們認為自己擁有了更高的道德形象。對此,在提交給針對媒體倫理的萊韋森調查(Leveson Inquiry)的證據以及其高管的口頭證言中,BBC都強調自己對待撰稿人、公眾以及精心培育並樂於享有的公眾信任都十分小心謹慎。目前,《每日郵報》和《太陽報》都在採取報復行動。它們在報導和社評中不遺餘力談論此事,《太陽報》甚至開始呼籲剝奪薩維爾的爵位。
BBC現在應該做什麼?其中部分應做的BBC已經在做了,包括推出招致批評的新聞稿。無論在面對這次還是其他問題時,BBC都採取了這一做法,它反映出了BBC最引人矚目的特性之一。另外,BBC方面正在接受質詢,將來還會進行更多道歉,可能接著還會發布一些新的辦事流程以及防範措施。然而BBC高層必須就將來會如何處理此類問題給出明確而充分的回答。如果BBC新任總裁喬治•恩特威斯爾(George Entwhistle)還沒準備好思考BBC的未來之計,或許可以讓BBC信託(BBC Trust)主席彭定康勳爵(Lord Patten)來做答。
新聞稿、道歉以及質詢必然會包括例行的澄清以及謙恭語氣。然而,BBC領導層應該做出更坦誠、更接近真相的回答,努力杜絕BBC出爾反爾的做法。任何大型機構,尤其是負有公共職責的大型機構,更特別的是這樣一個把紙醉金迷的娛樂界與粗糙醜陋的新聞業融為一體的機構,注定不是被拽向這個方向​​,就會被拽向那個方向。 BBC必須認清這種矛盾的傾向,並且確保其管理層和職員都意識到自己有責任使工作場合的公共與私人行為保持一致。 BBC必須嚴格遵循自己的聲明:我們要思考事情的起因並得出令人信服的結論。

更新時間 2012年 10月 22日, 星期一 - 格林尼治標準時間10:20
負責調查已故的吉米·薩維爾(Sir Jimmy Savile)的BBC《新聞之夜》(Newsnight)節目製片人曾經警告過自己的主編,BBC可能會被指對此事件進行隱瞞。
梅裏安·瓊斯(Meirion Jones)對BBC另外一個節目《廣角鏡》說,他曾經在2011年12月7日給主編裏蓬(Peter Rippon)寫信提出警告。
瓊斯和另外一名記者麥克金(Liz MacKean)都在這個節目中接受採訪,他們兩人都聲稱曾經採訪過被指受過薩維爾性侵的受害者。

瓊斯表示,在《新聞之夜》 記者與裏蓬之間的一系列電子郵件中說,主編對報道的重點從揭露薩維爾是孌童者轉變到找出警方停止調查多名女子針對薩維爾的性侵指稱的原因。
裏蓬事後表示,他認為故事本身證據不足,而決定不再繼續製作這個節目。 他在BBC內部的微博中聲明自己做出這個決定並不是因為受到壓力。
著名記者約翰·辛普森(John Simpson)稱,這起事件讓BBC面臨50年來最大的危機。

Jimmy Savile fallout strikes BBC as Newsnight chief Rippon stands aside during review

Monday, 22 October 2012
Hospital nurses
Hospital nurses "dreaded" the prospect of a visit by Jimmy Savile

As Panorama prepares to reveal what senior BBC managers knew about allegations of sexual misconduct against Sir Jimmy Savile the corporation has announced that Newsnight editor Peter Rippon is to stand aside while an internal review is carried out by a former Sky News chief.
The corporation is bracing itself for an outpouring of criticism from the public, media and legal figures following tonight's transmission.
The BBC said Mr Rippon's explanation as to why the show dropped its investigation into the late DJ and TV presenter was "inaccurate or incomplete in some respects" and has corrected his statement.
It said: "The BBC regrets these errors and will work with the Pollard Review to assemble all relevant evidence to enable the review to determine the full facts.
"In addition, the BBC has announced that Peter Rippon is stepping aside with immediate effect from his post while the review by Nick Pollard, the former head of Sky News, into the management of Newsnight's investigation, is carried out."
Tonight's Panorama will claim the corporation pulled the segment after coming under pressure from senior managers.

>>Jim 'll sort you out with the IRA - claims probed<<

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The show, which goes out at 10.35pm on BBC1, also investigates why BBC chiefs gave different explanations about the nature of the documentary and why it was dropped.
In the aftermath, director general George Entwistle wrote to all staff saying the Newsnight investigation was into "Surrey Police's inquiry into Jimmy Savile towards the end of 2011".
But producer Meirion Jones immediately emailed Mr Entwistle countering that, writing: "George - one note - the investigation was into whether Jimmy Savile was a paedophile - I know because it was my investigation.

>>Jim 'll Fix It prank poster irks policitian<<

>>Audio: Savile rubbishes sex claims<<

"We didn't know that Surrey police had investigated Jimmy Savile - no-one did - that was what we found when we investigated and interviewed his victims."
Speaking as he left for work this morning, Mr Entwistle declined to comment on the allegations made in the documentary, which he said he had not seen.
But he said there would be a BBC statement touching upon some of the issues raised.
Tonight's hour-long documentary lifts the lid on the extent to which the higher echelons of the corporation were aware of the claims against the late DJ.
John Whittingdale MP, chairman of the Culture, Media and Sport select committee which will take evidence from Mr Entwistle tomorrow, said the most important question was why the investigation was dropped.
He told Sky News: "Whilst Panorama say there is no evidence the editor was leant on from outside, the explanations originally given look very thin today."
Media commentator Steve Hewlett said the BBC's original claims that Newsnight was investigating the police inquiry were "partial and border-line misleading".
He told Sky News: "Why the BBC has chosen to dance on that particular pinhead I don't know... it looks at least incompetent."


