2012年11月23日 星期五

Tony Hall /George Entwistle resigns as BBC director general, pay-off terms revealed


國 廣播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation, 簡稱BBC)任命英國皇家歌劇院(Royal Opera House)主管Tony Hall擔任其新總裁﹐稱這位“外來者”能夠以新的眼光審視本公司﹐幫助BBC擺脫因錯誤地報道政府高官性侵兒童而陷入的醜聞。

Hall曾在1996年-2001年擔任BBC News and Current Affairs總監﹐並在這期間推出了BBC News Online、Radio 5 Live和其他頻道﹐對媒體行業可謂熟門熟路。

BBC治理機構BBC Trust表示﹐Hall將於3月份履新﹐在他上任以前﹐總裁職務將由Tim Davie代理。

BBC此前因在報導中錯誤地報道一位政府高官涉嫌性侵犯兒童而備受批評﹐前總裁George Entwistle在幾週前引咎辭職。BBC承認﹐其時事欄目《新聞之夜》(Newsnight)在針對英國保守黨前政要涉嫌性侵犯兒童的報導中有失誤。

Jeanne Whalen


George Entwistle pay-off terms revealed

Lord Patten: ''I didn't try to argue him out of it because I think he'd made his mind up''
Former BBC director general George Entwistle will receive one year's salary, worth £450,000, as part of a pay-off deal, the BBC Trust has said.
He quit on Saturday after a Newsnight report led to a former Tory treasurer being wrongly accused of child abuse.
Acting director general Tim Davie has urged senior corporation managers to "pull together" in the BBC's interests.
The BBC Trust said it "looked forward" to Mr Davie setting out his initial plans on Monday.
Speaking earlier, BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten said a radical, structural overhaul" of the corporation is now necessary.
He has said a new director general would be chosen within weeks.
'Swift resolution'
In a statement regarding the director general's departure settlement, a BBC Trust spokesman said: "The BBC reached a consensual termination agreement with George Entwistle last night and agreed to pay him 12 months pay, in lieu of notice.
"This reflects the fact that he will continue to help on BBC business, most specifically the two ongoing inquiries."
The BBC's Norman Smith says it is understood the decision to give him a full year's salary was taken on Saturday night in order to reach a swift resolution to his departure.
Tim Davie arriving at BBC New Broadcasting House on 11 November 2012 Tim Davie was appointed acting director general immediately after Mr Entwistle's resignation
Reacting to details of Mr Entwistle's pay-out settlement, John Whittingdale - who chairs the Commons Culture, Media and Sport select committee - said his "immediate reaction" was that "it cannot be justified".
"I think almost everybody hearing this news will say 'how can somebody who has had to leave in these circumstances, as a result of a serious failure, nevertheless get a whole year's salary'", he said.
Our correspondent reports that the acting director general has urged senior managers on to "show leadership to your teams by remaining visible, listening and engaging with them."
In an email to senior executives on Sunday evening, he said staff would be feeling "sad and shocked" by the crisis, adding Mr Entwistle's decision to resign was "honourable" and "he will be missed".
The BBC Trust said, on Sunday night, that it had had a discussion with Mr Davie on Sunday and was "looking forward" to him setting out his plans on Monday for dealing with some of the issues arising from the 2 November Newsnight broadcast "as a first step in restoring public confidence".
Before his departure, Mr Entwistle had commissioned a report from BBC Scotland director Ken MacQuarrie into what happened with the Newsnight investigation.
Earlier, Mr Davie held an hour-long meeting with members of the BBC Trust, during which Mr MacQuarrie's report is understood to have been discussed.
On 2 November Newsnight reported abuse victim Steve Messham's claims against a leading 1980s Tory politician being an abuser in north Wales, but he withdrew his accusation a week later, saying he had been mistaken.
Lord McAlpine, although not named on Newsnight, was identified on the internet as the subject of the allegations. He said the claims were "wholly false and seriously defamatory".
The BBC issued an unreserved apology for the Newsnight report on Friday evening.




  英國廣播公司 (BBC)總裁喬治﹒恩特威斯爾10日宣布辭職,稱英國廣播公司近期“異常”狀況令他決意引退。
  這家媒體的管理機構英國廣播公司理事會主席克里斯﹒帕滕把10日形容為自身 “公眾生涯中最糟時日之一”,但認可恩特威斯爾辭職所展現出的勇氣。
  文化大臣瑪麗亞﹒米勒歡迎恩特威斯爾辭職決定,稱這一決定 “令人遺憾,但正確”。“重要的是,這一重要國家(新聞)機構的可信度和公眾信心得以修復。對英國廣播公司而言,現在至關重要的是使其運作體系回到正軌,確保製作一流新聞和時事節目。”



Director of BBC Steps Down

George Entwistle, left, BBC director general, stood with Lord Chris Patten, chairman of the BBC Trust, as he announced his resignation in London on Saturday.
Max Nash/Associated Press

Scandal Grows Over Sexual Abuse Reports

LONDON — George Entwistle, left, resigned on Saturday as director general of the BBC amid deepening controversy over news coverage of prominent figures accused of pedophilia. 


George Entwistle resigns as BBC director general

George Entwistle and BBC Chairman Lord Patten give their statements outside Broadcasting House
The BBC's director general, George Entwistle, has resigned in the wake of the Newsnight child abuse broadcast.
In a statement given outside New Broadcasting House, Mr Entwistle said: "I have decided that the honourable thing to do is to step down."
Earlier, Mr Entwistle said the Newsnight report, which wrongly implicated ex-senior Tory Lord McAlpine should never have been broadcast.
The broadcast covered cases of child abuse at north Wales care homes.
Mr Entwistle took up the post of director general on 17 September, and his sudden resignation makes him the shortest-ever serving BBC director general.
In his statement, he said: "In the light of the fact that the director general is also the editor in chief and ultimately responsible for all content, and in the light of the unacceptable journalistic standards of the Newsnight film broadcast on Friday 2 November, I have decided that the honourable thing to do is to step down from the post of director general."
'Great honour' He said that when he was appointed to the role, he was confident BBC trustees had chosen the best candidate for the post and the "right person to tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead".
"However the wholly exceptional events of the past few weeks have led me to conclude that the BBC should appoint a new leader," he said.

George Entwistle said he was stepping down because as director general of the BBC he was also its editor in chief.
He said it was the honourable thing to do after a BBC Newsnight film alleged child abuse by an unnamed Conservative politician - which was proved to be unfounded.
Coming on top of the Jimmy Savile crisis, which was prompted partly by the fact that Newsnight had shelved an earlier investigation into allegations of child abuse, this was particularly damaging to the BBC.
But this was also about the handling of the crisis. Last month, Mr Entwistle was accused by MPs of showing "an extraordinary lack of curiosity" over the Jimmy Savile affair and they told him to "get a grip".
On Saturday in an interview on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he said he knew nothing in advance about the Newsnight broadcast nor had he seen a newspaper report revealing Lord McAlpine may have been wrongly accused.
MPs, former editors and broadcasting executives were unimpressed and so, I understand, were members of the BBC Trust.
On Sunday, the job of acting director-general will be taken by Tim Davie, who's been running the radio side of the BBC but who has no direct journalistic experience.
The BBC still faces very serious questions, not just about its journalism but about how the organisation is run.
"To have been the director general of the BBC even for a short period, and in the most challenging of circumstances, has been a great honour.
"While there is understandable public concern over a number of issues well covered in the media - which I'm confident will be addressed by the review process - we must not lose sight of the fact that the BBC is full of people of the greatest talent and the highest integrity.
"That's what will continue to make it the finest broadcaster in the world."
Later, speaking outside his home following his resignation, Mr Entwistle said he was going to "spend some time with my family".
During his 54 days in charge, Mr Entwistle has also had to deal with controversy over the BBC shelving a Newsnight investigation into former BBC presenter and DJ Jimmy Savile, who police say could have abused as many as 300 people over a 40-year-period.
As a result, former Sky News head Nick Pollard is examining whether there were BBC management failings following the Newsnight programme not being broadcast, Also, an inquiry has begun into the culture and practices at the BBC in the era of alleged sexual abuse by Savile. Another review is to examine sexual harassment policies at the BBC.
BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten, who made a statement following Mr Entwistle's resignation, said: "This is undoubtedly one of the saddest evenings of my public life."
He said: "At the heart of the BBC is its role as a trusted global news organisation.
"As the editor in chief of that news organisation George has very honourably offered us his resignation because of the unacceptable mistakes - the unacceptable shoddy journalism - which has caused us so much controversy.
"He has behaved as editor with huge honour and courage and would that the rest of the world always behaved the same."
Acting DG Culture Secretary Maria Miller said: "It is a regrettable, but right decision. It is vital that credibility and public trust in this important national institution is restored.
"It is now crucial that the BBC puts the systems in place to ensure it can make first class news and current affairs programmes."
But Labour MP Ben Bradshaw, who sits on the culture select committee, said Mr Entwistle's departure was a "terrible mistake".
Steve Messham Steve Messham was featured in the Newsnight broadcast on child abuse in Wales
He added: "Who else is going to clear up this mess? I'm very worried that the BBC has come under political pressure from the government. George Entwistle has been badly let down by BBC News managers and the people around him. He was trying to get to grips with that. The BBC should have given him time."
BBC reporter Ben Geoghegan says the decision has divided opinion. The likes of Mr Bradshaw and former BBC chairman Sir Christopher Bland say that he has been wrongly sacrificed. However, many other people - the majority - believe it is probably the right decision because of the depth of the crisis, our reporter said.
Tim Davie, director of BBC Audio and Music, will take over as acting director general from Sunday.
BBC home editor Mark Easton said the BBC was at a "real crossroads, because its whole future depends on convincing the public in the United Kingdom that this is an organisation in which they have confidence, and in which they have trust, and that they believe in the integrity of our news coverage".
The organisation is, in some ways, in a very dangerous position, he added.
Newsnight reported on 2 November an abuse victim's claims against a leading 1980s Tory politician.
Wrongly identified Lord McAlpine, although not named on Newsnight, was wrongly identified on the internet as the alleged abuser at care homes in north Wales in the 1980s.
The former senior Tory has said the claims are "wholly false and seriously defamatory".

“Start Quote

The corporation finds itself wounded, under attack and, in effect, leaderless”
One abuse victim, Steve Messham, has apologised to Lord McAlpine, Tory treasurer during Margaret Thatcher's leadership, after saying he did not assault him.
Mr Messham said in the 1990s he was shown a photograph by police of his alleged abuser but was incorrectly told it was Lord McAlpine.
The BBC has ordered an "immediate pause" in Newsnight investigations to assess editorial robustness and a suspension of all co-productions with the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which worked on the Newsnight broadcast.
Before his departure, Mr Entwistle had commissioned a report from BBC Scotland director Ken MacQuarrie into what happened with the Newsnight investigation.
And the BBC also ordered a senior news executive to "supervise" Friday night's edition of Newsnight, during which an apology was broadcast.


