2013年1月16日 星期三

London helicopter crash: Two die in Vauxhall crane accident


中央社記者黃貞貞倫敦16日專電)倫敦市中心南區沃克斯豪爾火車站附近今天上午發生直升機墜毀意外,造成2死,傷者人數增加到9人;英國首相卡麥隆聞訊後表示十分哀痛,並指示進行調查。 倫敦警察局局長侯艾(Bernard Hogan-Howe)告訴記者,這起意外共造成2 ...
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一架直升機星期三(1月16日)墜毀在倫敦市中心南部的沃克斯豪爾(Vauxhall),眾多目擊者向BBC講述了事發經過。 倫敦市民Ian Mitchell向BBC發送電子郵件說,事件發生時他正駕車經過事故現場附近,聽到巨大的爆炸聲,看到碎片從吊車上端墜落。他當時本能地擔心 ...
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一架直升機周三(16日)墜毀在倫敦市中心南部的沃克斯豪爾(Vauxhall)。事發在當地時間上午八時上班高峰期。 直升機墜毀現場. 據報道,飛機撞上附近的一個起重架,警方說至少兩人死亡,兩人受傷。 直升機墜毀現場. 飛機墜毀在沃克斯豪爾火車站附近,這裏是交通 ...
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最新消息_直升機墜毀倫敦市中心_Helicopter Hits crane in London and Crashes
英國首都倫敦的消防局表示,一架直升機今天墜毀在市中心的鐵路車站附近,目前傷亡情況不明。 消防局發布的聲明說:「我們正注意有關直升機墜毀的報導。」警方表示知道發生事故,但不願多提供詳情。 天空電視新聞網(Sky News)報導,這架直升機上有一位飛行員, ...
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London helicopter crash: Two die in Vauxhall crane accident


Ex-BBC producer Paul Ferguson: Helicopter "plummeted into the ground"

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Two people have been killed and nine injured when a helicopter crashed into a crane in central London in misty conditions.
Police said it appeared the helicopter had hit the crane on top of The Tower, One St George Wharf at about 08:00 GMT.
About 90 firefighters are at the scene near Wandsworth Road in South Lambeth. Doctors said one of the dead was in the helicopter and the other on the ground.
A man was rescued from a burning car by firefighters.
Burning wreckage lay in the road but the fire was brought under control within 25 minutes, the fire brigade said.
Four people, one of them critically ill, were taken to hospital. Five others were treated at the scene.
Part of the crane was left hanging from the side of the building.
'Enormous bang'
The incident caused gridlock with all approaches to the Vauxhall Cross one way system closed at the height of the rush hour and Vauxhall Tube station and railway station closed.
London Fire Brigade said more than 50 other firefighters were at St George's Wharf to secure the damaged crane.
Met Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe said: "We believe there are 11 casualties, two fatalities and nine less seriously injured but one is critically ill. People are presenting themselves to different places."
Eyewitness Aaron Rogers: "All of a sudden the helicopter was in flames" (footage Jose Gomez)
He said it was too early to draw substantive conclusions but he believed the helicopter had been diverted to the Battersea heliport, and had not been due to go there.
The heliport has now been closed.
Fire brigade station manager Bruce Grain said crews arrived at the scene in four minutes.
He said the helicopter crashed into Wandsworth Road hitting various vehicles and bursting into flames and there were also fires in nearby buildings.
He said the fire was under control within 25 minutes but crews would probably be at the scene for the rest of the day damping down.

At the scene

Vauxhall bus station is always busy. It's a hub where people can connect with the Underground and rail services. Helicopters flying along the river are a common sight.
This morning the rush hour was confused as well as crowded. In the aftermath of the crash, bus and other traffic had been held back on the Wandsworth Road.
It wasn't long before there were tailbacks. The journey wasn't any easier on foot. Pedestrians were directed away from the main road and pavements running along the Nine Elms Sainsbury's supermarket and on to side streets.
By the time I arrived at Vauxhall bus station the police were starting to tape off many of the approach roads as well. You could still smell the smoke and it was difficult to see the top of the tower and the damaged crane.
Commuters mingled with large groups of construction workers - the crowd took time to move despite the efforts of police community support officers and bus station staff.
NATS, which runs air traffic control across the UK, said the helicopter pilot had been receiving assistance earlier in the journey but not at the time of the crash.
The incident will be subject to an investigation by the Air Accident Investigation Branch.
A lifeboat searched the Thames after a request from London Heliport at Battersea which had lost contact with one of its aircraft, an RNLI spokesman said, but the search was later called off.
Video footage shot on a mobile phone showed an entire road blocked by burning wreckage and aviation fuel.
The side of a building on one side of the street was also damaged by the flames.
Passers-by stood watching as the wreckage burned. A motorcycle was also lying on its side in the road where it was abandoned.
Mark Osbourne, from Metropolis Motorcycles, a bike shop near the scene, said he ran to try and help the injured.
"There was lots of wreckage and fire," he said.
"I saw a woman on a motorcycle that must have missed the carnage by six feet.
"It felt like a war movie, it was surreal.
"The police arrived within minutes so the response was excellent."
Craig Dunne, who was walking to work at the time of the accident, said: "When I got to the end of the road there was a massive explosion and the crane is obviously in pieces.
'Clouds of smoke'
"And I looked to the left-hand side and there were cars - three cars on fire - people screaming shouting and hollering, and the next thing I know there are police, ambulances and everything everywhere and people going crazy. Its madness - absolute madness."
Ex-BBC producer Paul Ferguson said the helicopter "plummeted straight into the ground".
A burnt out car at the crash sceneThe wreckage of the helicopter landed in the road, setting cars alight
He said: "The building the helicopter hit is shrouded in mist."
He said the crane at the top of the building was now hanging down the side of the building.
Nicky Morgan, MP for Loughborough, witnessed the crash.
"I was walking towards Vauxhall Tube station from Lambeth Palace area where I have a flat," she said.
"There was suddenly an enormous bang - I thought something exploded.
"It was coming from beyond Vauxhall tube station.
"Then clouds and clouds of black smoke.
A section of the crane in Nine Elms LanePart of the crane fell to the ground after the crash
"I presumed what it was I heard was the crane collapsing or the helicopter crashing into it.
"I heard the bang then saw the clouds of smoke but there was too much in the way to see much at that point."
Quinn Murray was cycling when he saw the crash.
He said: "I saw the helicopter hit the top of the crane and come down just to the left of the station.
"There was quite a large amount of fire and a huge smoke cloud. It wasn't on the road, but into a building site where they are building the new Nine Elms area."
Eyewitness Chris Matthison told BBC News: "It's possible the crane is lying across Nine Elms road.
"The top of the nearest building is steeped in mist and difficult to see.
"I heard a very unusual dull thud, then there was silence. The silence really took my imagination. Emergency services responded very quickly."

Erin Rogers, who was waiting at a bus stop outside Vauxhall station, said: "It was a bit surreal actually. I just had a coffee in my hand, I looked up, heard a bang and saw bits of crane debris falling to the floor.
"Then the helicopter was in flames. The rest of the people at the bus station were looking on going 'What was that?'.
"It's something I will never forget for a long time."
Kate Hoey, Labour MP for Vauxhall, said: "My initial thought was that it might have hit one of the many densely populated tall buildings. To hear it had hit the crane was a relief in some way.
"Police said to me that their first fear was it was the police helicopter, however, it had been grounded because of the weather."
She told the BBC the rapid increase in the number of tall buildings in London meant more rigorous controls over who can fly where may be needed.
She said there was no reason why there should not be a debate about why so many helicopters are allowed to fly over central London.
The Met told the BBC there was no suggestion the incident was linked to terrorism.
Eyewitness Andrew Beadle: "I thought it was a bomb" (Footage Jason/Complete Couriers and Jose Gomez)


