2013年2月3日 星期日

The Behavioural Insights Team

The Behavioural Insights Team的運作 是否類似Dr. Deming 所說的"轉型的組織"方式

The Behavioural Insights Team

The Behavioural Insights Team was set up in July 2010 with a remit to find innovative ways of encouraging, enabling and supporting people to make better choices for themselves[1]. Check out the blog here.
The Team’s work draws on insights from the growing body of academic research in the fields of behavioural economics and psychology which show how often subtle changes to the way in which decisions are framed can have big impacts on how people respond to them.
The Team’s remit is to apply these insights to public policy making in the UK. Since the team was set up, the team has worked with almost every department across a very wide range of policy areas.
It has also published several papers that that show how the team is applying behavioural insights to the following policy areas:
  • test, learn, adapt, which sets out the methodology of the team and makes the case for the wider use of randomised controlled trials in public policy
  • fraud, error and debt, where the team has shown how changes to processes, forms and letters can result in significant increases in compliance
  • energy efficiency, including the launch of trials that seek to understand how we can encourage the uptake of energy efficiency measures
  • consumer affairs, including the launch of the ‘midata’ programme and moves to push forward collective purchasing schemes
  • health, including organ donation and smoking cessation
A brief summary of some of the team's more recent work can be found here.
Download the Government Response to the Science and Technology Select Committee Report on Behaviour Change report.
[1]Coalition Agreement.

 英「推一把」效果佳 多國有興趣

〔國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕缺錢的政府共同面對的問題是:要怎麼讓國民更健康、更幸福,同時又可以 為納稅人省錢?英國首相卡麥隆籌組了一支暱稱為「推一把小組(nudge unit)」的「行為洞察團隊(Behavioural Insights Team)」,測試是不是只要用對方法,輕輕「推一把」就能達到莫大效果。
2010 年成立、由12人組成的「推一把小組」,悄悄地草擬多項誘使英國人端正行為的廣泛政策,例如按時繳稅、節約能源、戒掉菸癮等。該小組宣稱,未來5年可為納 稅人節省3億英鎊(約139億台幣)。該小組最成功的案例之一,就是發信給遲繳稅的納稅人,聲稱大部分人都已繳完稅,這種心理策略竟然讓繳稅率提高1成 5,每年為國庫增加3000萬英鎊(約13億9500萬台幣)稅收。
小組負責人哈鵬(David Halpern)解釋,人都是社群動物,「如果你看到別人做某件事,通常也會跟著做。」但他也坦承,這項計畫如此順利,「我們也很驚訝」。有許多政府部門找上該小組,詢問:「你們能幫幫我們的這項政策嗎?」
「推 一把小組」的靈感,來自美國經濟學家塞勒(Richard Thaler)與桑思坦(Cass Sunstein)2人於2008年在同名著作中提出的「推力(Nudge)」理論。卡麥隆並非唯一一位擁抱「推力」理論的世界領袖,塞勒曾擔任丹麥與法 國等政府的顧問,桑思坦去年8月前都在美國總統歐巴馬政府內位居要職。
全世界各地實際運用「推力」理論的例子不勝枚舉,最有名的是荷蘭阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場(Schiphol Airport),在男廁的小便斗刻上假昆蟲讓旅客瞄準,竟然讓尿液四溢的情況大減。



