2013年2月21日 星期四

Whistler's Cheyne Walk House

俄新網RUSNEWS.CN莫斯科2月21日電 倫敦《標准晚報》周三發布消息稱,倫敦肯辛頓-切爾西區政府將于下周審議俄羅斯億萬富翁羅曼·阿布拉莫維奇改建被他買下的英國畫家詹姆斯·惠斯勒故居的計劃。
阿布拉莫維奇希望將這棟17世紀獨棟別墅前的庭院改建為惠斯勒一幅畫上的樣子,用橡樹代替椴樹。他將對主建築內面朝泰晤士河的房間進行修繕,將一棟 房屋隔出,供賓客和服務人員使用。此外,他還計劃拆除車庫,然後在原地建立藝術工作室,擺放阿布拉莫維奇與朋友達里婭·茹科娃收集的繪畫作品。

Roman Abramovich gets go-ahead for £100m super-home overlooking Thames

Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich is set to realise a three-year dream to renovate a historic property overlooking the Thames — including a new art studio to show off his priceless collection.
The 17th century building was once home to artist James Whistler. Now the Russian billionaire, 46, promises to transform its front garden to resemble one of Whistler’s paintings of the Thames embankment at night.
Kensington and Chelsea council is poised to grant approval next week for a £10 million scheme to restore three linked Cheyne Walk properties into a super-home that could be worth up to £100 million.
The project, which began in November 2010, has sparked concerns from a number of neighbours who fear they will suffer a loss of light and views and have their homes put at risk by plans to excavate a two-storey basement.
According to plans drawn up by architects 6a, Mr Abramovich wants to transform the Grade II-listed property into a “beautiful and meaningful contemporary home”.
The proposal would see a garage block demolished and replaced with a “bespoke” art studio “with a particular focus on the quality of light and display of artworks” for the collection of priceless modern paintings he has amassed with partner Dasha Zhukova, 31.
One property would be separated from the main home to create a “secondary building for staff and guests”. Grand drawing rooms overlooking the Thames would be restored in the main house, with oaks replacing the lime trees in its front garden. The main property has access via a private side road. Work is unlikely to be finished for three years, during which time the couple and their son Aaron, three, will be able to remain in his Kensington Palace Gardens house. Neighbours were today split on the likely disruption. One, who asked not to be named, said: “Abramovich’s people have worked hard to keep us content, as there were serious concerns when plans were submitted.
“We were worried about noise and the effect of the big basement but they have made some compromises. We look forward to welcoming his family to the area.”
But another said: “This is probably bad news for all of us.”

Cheyne Walk is one of London’s most expensive streets. Residents include Sir Mick Jagger.
A report by the council’s executive director of planning said the basement would not harm the “special architectural and historical interest” of the two surviving houses, dating back to one built in 1521 by Sir Thomas More.

The planning committee will meet next Tuesday to decide the plans, recommended for approval by officers.
Mr Abramovich’s spokesman in Moscow declined to comment.

Cheyne Walk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Other Kensington: Roman Abramovich's £100m Cheyne Walk House to get Green Light

By Umberto Bacchi
The Other Kensington: Roman Abramovich's £100m Cheyne Walk House to get Green Light
Kensington and Chelsea council is poised to give the green light to a £10m plan by Chelsea Football Club owner Roman Abramovich to turn an historic property overlooking the Thames into his London home.
Abramovich put forward a project to renovate three linked properties in London's high-end Cheyne Walk in April 2012, but concerns raised by neighbours and council members delayed things.
After amendments to the plan were made, the council will give the go-ahead, the London Evening Standard reported.
One of the Grade II-listed period properties to be transformed is a 1670s building that was once home to artist James Whistler and later to late Tory minister Paul Channon. A second house in the block was built in 1521 by Sir Thomas More.
Work is expected to last three years. At the end of that time, the 46-year-old Russian billionaire intends to move in with his 31-year-old partner Dasha Zhukova, his son Aaron, three, and his massive collection of modern paintings.
Abramovich's priceless artworks will play a prominent role in the structure of the new house. According to the proposals, a garage block will be torn down and replaced with a "bespoke [gallery] with a particular focus on the quality of light and display of artworks".
Drawings of the project also include a separated building to serve as a guest house.
The Russian magnate currently lives two miles away in Kensington Palace Gardens.
Renovation completed, it has been esteemed the new property will be worth up to £100m.
READ: The Other Kensington: £1 for a House In Liverpool's New Labour Wasteland


