2013年4月17日 星期三

"Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace: according to thy word."

Coffin leaves St Paul's
The coffin is carried out of St Paul's, followed by the Thatcher family.
  1. 1159:
    The coffin is carried out, accompanied by Baroness Thatcher's family, to Charles Villiers Stanford's Nunc dimittis from Evening Service in G.
    It says: "Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace: according to thy word."
  2. Justin Welby
    The Archbishop of Canterbury delivers the blessing.
  3. 1154:
    The blessing is given by the new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who says: "Support us, O Lord, all the day long of this troublous life, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over and our work is done."
  4. 1153:
    In Cecil Spring-Rice's I vow to thee, my country, adapted from Jupiter (The Planets) by Gustav Holst, the congregation sings:
    "And there's another country, I've heard of long ago,
    "Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know."
The sun is streaming in through the west door of St Paul's now, as the coffin is carried out, and the Queen and Prince Philip follow.
Phil Mackie BBC News
A man who was (loudly) trying to arrange a protest on his phone has been detained by police in London's Trafalgar Square
1203: Gerry Holt BBC News
One protester with a megaphone is speaking to the crowd, although it is hard to hear what he has to say as he is drowned out by booing. An impromptu sing-song of Land of Hope and Glory receives a cheer, as does the raising of a banner saying: "Margaret Thatcher. She put the Great back into Great Britain." The pro-Thatcher contingent appears to be ruling the roost here.
One protester stood outside the shop where Baroness Thatcher grew up in Grantham, Lincolnshire.
John Morgan, secretary of the Grantham Labour Party, held a placard that said "Grantham resident against Maggie".
He said he was there to protest against the cost of the funeral.
One village scarred by pit closures, Goldthorpe, in South Yorkshire, has held a "party" in protest at Lady Thatcher's policies. A horse-drawn, open coffin housing an effigy of the ex-Prime Minister, was paraded through the village. Read our full story here.

1429: Danny Savage North of England Correspondent, BBC News
About 2,000 people have gathered in Goldthorpe for the anti-Thatcher protest. The crowd seems to be good natured. The South Yorkshire police helicopter is overhead. The scale of the protest is so large that roads are blocked and traffic is having to be turned round.

A planned protest is currently taking place at Free Derry Corner in Londonderry, where around 60 nationalists gathered at 14:00 BST. Some are holding pictures of hunger strikers and one or two anti-Margaret Thatcher banners can be seen. The protest is peaceful, and roads have not been blocked. Participants include mothers with their children and police are keeping a low profile.

The planned anti-Thatcher protest by nationalists at Free Derry Corner ended at 14.45 BST. Everyone has dispersed, and the entire event passed peacefully.
The Metropolitan Police officer in charge of security for Baroness Thatcher's funeral has thanked Londoners and visitors for their co-operation. Commander Christine Jones also praised those who "enabled us to facilitate their peaceful protest in a way which did not impact either their protest or those who wished to pay their respects". The Met had 4,000 officers on duty for the funeral.

1608  Matthew Paddock, London
emails: Agreed the amount being spent on the funeral is way too much. However protesting against Margret Thatcher? Is a bit late for that now? This is a funeral to pay respects for another persons life. Regardless of how you think she ran the country, today isn't about that.

撒切爾葬禮途中遭和平示威 反對者舉辦慶祝活動

2013年04月18日 14:05:56
來源: 中國日報網
撒切爾葬禮途中遭和平示威 反對者舉辦慶祝活動
  在南約克郡的一處前採礦社區,撒切爾夫人的肖像被放在一個倣制的棺材上,人們把棺材抬到荒郊野外,大聲咒罵“破壞罷工者、破壞罷工者、破壞罷工者”。在英格蘭東北部和南威爾士的前採礦社區,也有類似的慶祝活動。蘇格蘭的工會和社會活動者甚至計劃舉辦集會,聲討撒切爾政府統治時期給工會和社區所帶來的磨難。(來源:中國日報網 歐葉 編輯:王菁)


