2013年5月24日 星期五

‘Barbaric Attack’ in London 倫敦伍利奇英軍遇襲事件


更新時間 2013年 5月 24日, 星期五 - 格林尼治標準時間15:31



Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

英國官員沒有指明受害者的身份,不過,在對到訪的英國首相戴維·卡梅倫(David Cameron)表示慰問時,法國總統弗朗索瓦·奧朗德(François Hollande)稱受害者為「一名士兵」。襲擊事件發生時,卡梅倫正在從布魯塞爾前往巴黎。
  • 檢視大圖 襲擊案視頻圖像顯示,圖為嫌犯之一。
    the Sun, Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
獨立電視新聞頻道(ITV News)播放了一段手機拍攝的視頻,視頻是在伍爾維奇的案發現場拍攝的,其中顯示,一名看樣子20來歲或30出頭的男子雙手是血,一手拿着砍刀,嘴裡念叨着似乎是政治訊息的話,直到警察趕來。
代表英國250萬穆斯林的各個組織很快就對襲擊事件進行了 譴責。英國穆斯林委員會(Muslim Council of Britan)代表該組織中的清真寺、學校及慈善機構發表聲明稱,「任何理由都不能為這次謀殺開脫。」聲明稱,發生在伍爾維奇的這次兇殺事件是「與伊斯蘭 教無關的野蠻行徑」,並補充說,「絕大多數英國穆斯林都認同本國武裝力量的工作。」
襲擊事件發生在一個交通擁堵的路口附近,那裡到皇家炮兵部隊(Royal Artillery)倫敦總部只需步行一小段路。該部隊曾派士兵及坦克部隊前往伊拉克及阿富汗。事發地點附近有一所小學。目擊者表示,有一些家長及放學回家的孩子目睹了襲擊事件。
一些人稱,受害者身穿印有慈善團體名字「Help for Heroes」的T恤衫。數千名英國軍事人員在阿富汗、伊朗受傷後返回英國,該團體為其中一些人提供幫助。

‘Barbaric Attack’ in London Prompts Meeting on Terror

LONDON — In an attack that raised new fears of terrorism in Britain, a man walking near a military barracks in south London on Wednesday was rammed by a car and then hacked to death by two knife-wielding assailants, according to witness accounts carried by British news media.
British officials did not identify the victim, but the French president, François Hollande, referred to him as “a soldier” in expressing France’s sympathy to the visiting British prime minister, David Cameron, who had been en route to Paris from Brussels when the attack took place.

The two suspects were shot and wounded by the police, officials said, and were in a hospital under police guard, one in serious condition. One of the men shouted “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great,” as the attack proceeded, government officials said.
Mr. Cameron, at a news conference at the Élysée Palace in Paris, said the killing was “an appalling murder” and “absolutely sickening.”
“There are strong indications that it is a terrorist incident,” Mr. Cameron added. He interrupted his European tour to return to London on Wednesday night.
ITV News showed a video clip taken with a cellphone at the scene in Woolwich in which a man who appears to be in his 20s or early 30s, holding a cleaver in one of his bloodied hands, offers what seemed to be a political message before the police arrived.
“I apologize that women had to see this today, but in our lands women have to see the same thing,” he says. “You people will never be safe. Remove your governments! They don’t care about you.”
He then refers to what appeared to be a motive for the attack, saying that it had been carried out “because of what’s going on in our own countries.”
Organizations representing Britain’s 2.5 million Muslims were quick to condemn the attack. “No cause justifies this murder,” the Muslim Council of Britain said in a statement on behalf of the network of mosques, schools and charities it represents. It described the killing in Woolwich as “a barbaric act that has no basis in Islam,” and added that the “vast majority of British Muslims acknowledge the armed forces for the work they do.”
The assault took place near a heavily-trafficked junction, a short walk from the London headquarters of the Royal Artillery, a unit that has deployed soldiers, including tank units, to Iraq and Afghanistan. There is a primary school nearby, and witnesses said that some of those who saw the attack were parents and children returning home from the school.
A small blue car — apparently the vehicle used to ram the victim — appeared to have hit a telephone pole after mounting the sidewalk. It was visible in photographs and television coverage of the scene, with extensive damage to its hood and front window.
Witnesses said two men got out of the vehicle and attacked the prone victim with large bladed weapons. Some said they beheaded him.
A number said the victim was wearing a T-shirt labeled with the words Help for Heroes, the name of a charity that supports some of the thousands of British military personnel who have returned wounded from Afghanistan and Iraq.
A man who said he had seen the entire attack told the BBC that the assailants had lingered at the scene, talking to passers-by about what they had done.
Stephen Castle contributed reporting.


