2013年7月14日 星期日

Coronation Festival sponsored by the Royal Warrant Holders Association

Welcome to the
Royal Warrant Holders Association

The Royal Warrant Holders Association was established in 1840 and represents individuals and companies holding Royal Warrants of Appointment. These are a mark of recognition of those who have supplied goods or services for at least five years to the Households of HM The Queen, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh or HRH The Prince of Wales.
Royal Warrants have always been regarded as demonstrating service, quality and excellence, and are highly prized.
There are around 800 Royal Warrant holders, representing a cross-section of trade and industry ranging from traditional craftspeople to global multinationals operating at the cutting edge of technology.
Regardless of size or specialisation, Royal Warrant holders are united by their commitment to the highest standards of service, quality and excellence.

【新唐人2013年07月14日訊】為了慶祝英女王登基60週年(1953-2013),7月11-14日,由皇家認證持有人協會(Royal Warrant Holders Association)主辦,英國貿易投資總署(UKTI)支持,在倫敦著名的白金漢宮花園,舉行了加冕節日(Coronation Festival )。下面請看來自倫敦的報導。




皇家委任權證持有人協會秘書理查德•佩克(Richard Peck):「這是我們第一次舉辦這樣規模的活動。這可能是最意義深遠的活動。我們協會始於1840年,這個活動是慶祝女王加冕60週年,也是對英國知名品牌的展示,是英國工業界的縮影。」

加冕節日的贊助商,包括英國及國際品牌捷豹路虎,以及作為王室豪華轎車的製造商賓利汽車公司。其中捷豹路虎是英國唯一獲得三個皇家委員認證(Royal Warrants)的汽車製造商。

捷豹路虎公司總裁拉爾夫•斯佩思博士(Dr. Ralf Speth):「我們深感榮幸和自豪,我們是唯一的一個擁有全部三個英國皇家認證的汽車製造廠商。與皇室有著很長很長的歷史。這讓我們不同於我們的全球競爭者。」



 The Duke of York congratulates Royal Warrant Holders for Coronation Festival

The Duke of York has taken to his Twitter page to congratulate Royal Warrant Holders for their effort in putting together the Coronation Festival.
“Congratulations Royal warrant holders on the Coronation Festival and all who have worked to make it possible,” the Prince tweeted, before signing it ‘AY’.

Prince Andrew took to his Twitter page to congratulate the effort put into the Coronation Festival.
Andrew joined Twitter on Monday, becoming the third member of the British Royal Family to have an account on the site, to support his royal role. Earlier in the week, the Prince tweeted a picture of Princess Eugenie as she met Royal Warrant holder Maracom at the Coronation Festival.
Princess Eugenie met some of the Royal Warrant Holders. Photo: The Duke of York/Twitter.
The Coronation Festival is taking place this weekend in the gardens of Buckingham Palace to celebrate the Queen’s 60th anniversary of her Coronation.
Taking place over three-days, the event has been described as celebrating everything British for the last 60 years. The festival has been organised by the Royal Warrant Holders Association, Media 10 and the Royal Household.
On Thursday, The Queen was joined by members of the Royal Family as they attended a preview day of the festival.
Prince Charles joked “It won’t be long now,” after seeing a commemorative range of china to mark the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first child.
The Coronation Festival runs until Sunday.


