2014年2月26日 星期三

Museum of London Releases Augmented Reality App for Historical Photos .

打開GPS APP帶你走訪古倫敦 【16:30】

英國倫敦博物館(The Museum of London)與工作室開發的APP,號稱只要開始手機上的GPS,便能一覽歷史場景。(圖擷取自每日郵報)
〔本報訊〕英國倫敦博物館(The Museum of London)與工作室開發的APP,號稱只要開啟手機上的GPS,便能一覽倫敦大橋和泰晤士河上或牛津街的歷史場景。



Museum of London Releases Augmented Reality App for Historical Photos

Streetmuseum is a new (and free) augmented reality iPhone app created by the Museum of London that allows you to browse historical photographs in various parts of the city.
The app leads you to various locations around London using either the map or GPS. Once you’re there, click the “3D View” button, and the app will recognize the location and overlay the historical photograph over the live video feed of the real world, giving you a brief glimpse into how the past looked.
We’ve seen projects that overlaid historical photos over modern ones, but this is the first time we’ve seen an augmented reality app do it for you in real time. Here are a few more examples:

If only this were available in every big city around the world.
Museum of London – Street Museum (via Creative Review)


