2014年3月16日 星期日

London, the “tech capital of the world.”

East London Tech City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

East London Tech City (also known as Tech City or Silicon Roundabout) is a ... 15 media and high-tech companies in close proximity of the Silicon Roundabout, ...

  1. The Guardian ‎- 5 days ago
    Once the home of groundbreaking startups, Silicon Roundabout has ... in London that, for its sins, has been dubbed Silicon Roundabout. .... that ridiculous name will soon be the only thing high-tech about the neighbourhood.
  1. Taipei Times‎ - 1 day ago
Maybe this time Silicon Valley will have to move over — London made a fresh bid on Thursday to become a world center for high-tech and startups.
London Mayor Boris Johnson said he wanted to make the city the “tech capital of the world.”
The high-technology sector in the British capital has grown out of the trendy east London district of Shoreditch and now stretches out to the Olympic Park several kilometers away.
“There is nowhere to rival London for tech firms to thrive and grow — we have the talent, the investors, and the entrepreneurial spirit,” Johnson said.
The prevalence of startups around Old Street roundabout has seen it dubbed “Silicon Roundabout,” but while the area is far from the gleaming offices of California’s Silicon Valley, the British government is pushing the sector hard.
The Tech City body, which has been helping companies set up in London since 2010, says there are now 1,300 compared with 200 when it was created, and they employ more than 155,000 people.
Johnson said the Olympic Park — the site of the 2012 Games, which is now reopening in a reconfigured form — was “ripe both for new startups and more established operations.”
Tech City says one sign of the attractiveness of the British capital for the high-tech sector is the 75 percent growth in the number of foreign companies investing there.
Not everyone is happy — some of the original startups in Shoreditch claim they have been priced out by rapidly rising rents as the tech giants move in.
Yet key players in the sector who gathered with Johnson at the TechHub — a center where other entrepreneurs can come for advice — said London was a highly attractive destination with huge potential.
Michael Acton Smith, the CEO of Mind Candy, the makers of the global hit Moshi Monsters, said: “Confidence in London is rising, startups are flourishing, you can feel the crackle of energy and potential in the air.”
Social networking giant Facebook Inc is expanding fast in London because it is such a “rich source of engineering and technology talent,” company vice president for Europe, the Middle East and Africa Nicola Mendelsohn said.
  原標題:倫敦市長親自推介科技城項目 誓將倫敦打造成歐洲矽谷   國際線上報道(記者 段雪蓮):英國倫敦一向被認為是藝術之都、設計之都、文化之都,但在最近兩年,科技產業成為了這個城市一顆冉冉升起的新星。當地時間13日,倫敦市長鮑裏 斯·約翰遜現身倫敦東區的科技城,親自參與推介倫敦的創業優勢,誓將倫敦打造成世界科技之都和歐洲矽谷。
  倫敦市長鮑裏斯·約翰遜可以說是這個城市最好的代言人。作為東倫敦科技城的主創之一,他向在場企業家和媒體承諾,要將倫敦打造成世界上最好的科 技企業孵化器。“說到底都是為了給新生的企業提供發展空間。倫敦已經是國際科技產業之都,我們有34400家數字科技公司,並且這個數字還在不斷增長。他 們代表著未來。剛創業的公司需要有合適的租金,以及便捷的工作環境,這裡是個不錯的選擇。”
  為了吸引更多的創業者和國際科技公司,市長鮑裏斯·約翰遜欽點了多家重點企業的CEO作為推介大使,包括英國著名兒童網路遊戲開發商 “心靈糖果”的首席執行官邁克爾·阿克頓·史密斯。“我們喜歡倫敦因為這個城市是創業的理想之選。它的好處很多,企業家之間有很好的合作氛圍,政府為企業 提供支援,這裡有豐富多元的產業文化,從經濟到時尚,從音樂到媒體,並且偶爾我們會看到燦爛的陽光,每當這個時候,我會覺得倫敦是世界上最棒的城市。”
  對於國際企業來說,倫敦科技城的主要吸引力在於其為創業者提供的幫助,例如企業家簽證和投資稅收的減免等政策。來自中國的企業文檔管理 軟體開發商德雅科技已經簽約並將於近期入駐科技城。公司董事李燕寧介紹說,之所以選擇倫敦,很大程度上要歸功於這裡對國際企業的支援力度。“非常具體的就 是,市長市政府辦公室他們給了我們很多這方面的諮詢,包括幫我們介紹當地的合作夥伴,還有公司成立過程中所需要了解的一些關於稅收啊等等這方面的支援。對 我們來講,這些都是非常有用的。”
  據統計,2010年至2013年,超過340家駐倫敦的科技公司為這個城市吸引了1.47億英鎊的投資。隨著越來越多的企業入駐,科技 城的範圍也不斷擴大,從泰晤士河周邊蔓延到了奧林匹克廣場這樣空間比較寬闊的區域。科技城國際項目的負責人安德魯·提比茲表示,寬鬆自由的工作環境是吸引 無數年輕人慕名而來的原因之一。“在科技城,我們提倡工作與休閒相平衡的方式。你可以看到我們那邊有乒乓球桌,累了的時候大家可以去放鬆一下。我們也鼓勵 員工之間相互交流,在休息和玩兒的同時大家其實也能想出不少好點子。所以在某種意義上說,休閒也是創新。”

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