2014年6月1日 星期日

Fury after poster discovered near popular London park warns dog-walkers to stay out of 'Islamic areas'

'Do not walk your dog here! Muslims do not like dogs': Fury after poster discovered near popular London park warns dog-walkers to stay out of 'Islamic areas'
  • Sign sparked anger after being seen on railings of Bartlett Park, east London
  • Notice advices pet owners not to walk dogs as it is an 'Islamic area now'
  • MP Jim Fitzpatrick has written letter of complaint to Tower Hamlets mayor
  • It is not yet known who put the sign up and police are investigating
An MP has complained after seeing a sign posted near a popular park warning dog-walkers to stay out of 'Islamic areas'.
Labour Member of Parliament Jim Fitzpatrick alerted police and the local mayor about the sign after it was flagged up by one of the residents in his east London constituency.
The sign, which was spotted on the railings of Bartlett Park, reads: 'Do not walk your dog here! Muslims do not like dogs. This is an Islamic area now.'
An MP has complained after seeing a sign, pictured, posted near a popular park warning dog-walkers to stay out of 'Islamic areas'
An MP has complained after seeing a sign, pictured, posted near a popular park warning dog-walkers to stay out of 'Islamic areas'

Police say an investigation is now underway to find out who put it up.
In his letter to recently re-elected Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman, the MP for Poplar and Limehouse said: 'I have no idea whether this was posted by the EDL, Islamists or another organisation. Regardless, this is a highly divisive sign.
'I am writing to request an investigation.
'I would also like to know what the council is currently doing to prevent signs like this from appearing.'
Tory MP Jim Fitzpatrick, pictured, alerted police and the local mayor about the sign after it was flagged up by one of the residents in his east London constituency
Tory MP Jim Fitzpatrick, pictured, alerted police and the local mayor about the sign after it was flagged up by one of the residents in his east London constituency

MP Jim Fitzpatrick wrote a letter  to recently re-elected Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman, asking for the matter to be investigated
MP Jim Fitzpatrick wrote a letter to recently re-elected Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman, asking for the matter to be investigated

A spokesman for the MP added: 'We want people who put those signs up to be caught.
'It could be anybody - antagonists from either side.'
Tower Hamlets police said: 'The material has been taken down and a crime report completed for further investigation.'
A Tower Hamlets Council spokesman said: 'We have been alerted to a fly-poster stuck on a sign post near Bartlett Park, E14. We have removed it and are liaising with the police to investigate this alarming  and divisive poster.
'The council actively promotes the No Place for Hate campaign whereby people of different faiths, cultures, lifestyles and backgrounds live in harmony. This means we support community cohesion and would not want the actions of any individual or small group to impact on this.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2644058/Do-not-walk-dog-Muslims-not-like-dogs-Fury-poster-discovered-near-popular-London-park-warns-dog-walkers-stay-Islamic-areas.html#ixzz33OgQkDdy
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2014-05-31  21:00

〔本報訊〕英國倫敦東部的巴特利特公園(Bartlett Park)近日遭張貼警告標語,要求不可在公園遛狗,因為這裡是「伊斯蘭教徒」的地盤,穆斯林不喜歡狗,而英國工黨國會議員菲茨帕特里克(Jim Fitzpatrick)也寫信向倫敦市塔橋區區長投訴,目前警方正在調查是誰張貼這則訊息。
  • 英國倫敦東部的巴特利特公園遭張貼反對溜狗,穆斯林討厭狗的訊息。(取自每日郵報) 英國倫敦東部的巴特利特公園遭張貼反對溜狗,穆斯林討厭狗的訊息。(取自每日郵報)
菲茨帕特里克於信中質疑,張貼這個訊息的人,可能不是一般的穆斯林,而是極右派激進伊斯蘭組織英國防衛聯盟(English Defence League EDL)或者其他組織,意圖挑撥離間的行為,而信中也希望剛上任的塔橋區區長拉赫曼(Lutfur Rahman)詳細調查這起事件。

Coordinates: 51°30′53″N 0°1′20″W
View eastward with Lindfield Street on the right, May 2007
Bartlett Park is a public open space in Poplar in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets; its address is Upper North Street, London E14. It is located to the south of the Limehouse Cut waterway; the Lansbury Estate is to the south and east of the park. Its area is 4.95 hectares (12.2 acres).[1]


St Saviour's Church remains in the centre of park, surrounded by a single row of self-build housing.[2] The park named in honour of Prebendary Philip M. Bartlett, who died in 1958 and had been vicar of the Church for 39 years.[3] St. Saviour's was almost destroyed by fire on 25 May 2007,[4] but the shell remains since it is a Grade II listed building.[5]
Tower Hamlets Council undertook a public consultation on regeneration of the park in May–June 2012.[6] The masterplan includes improved connections to the Limehouse Cut.[7]


London Buses Route 309 serves the park.



