2014年12月21日 星期日

Bank fines to aid British charities linked to poppy tribute

《中英對照讀新聞》Bank fines to aid British charities linked to poppy tribute 銀行罰款挹注英國慈善團體結合罌粟花紀念品
Fines paid by banks for rigging interest rates will be used to finance a tax break for British military charities raising funds from a First World War memorial that has brought millions of visitors to the Tower of London.
The Treasury has said it will waive the value added tax (VAT) on the sale of hundreds of thousands of bright red ceramic poppies that form a hugely popular installation marking the centenary of the outbreak of the Great War.
The government will donate the amount it would have received in VAT -- 1.1 million pounds -- to six military charities.
It said some of the money it has collected in fines imposed by British authorities on seven banks and brokers accused of rigging the benchmark Libor interest rate will be used for the donation.
Part of an art installation called "The Tower of London Remembers: Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red", the ceramic poppies each represent one of the 888,246 British and colonial soldiers killed during World War One.


tax break:指減稅。例句:Tax break were created to help low-income family.(減稅的設計用來幫助低收入家庭。)
installation:名詞,裝置、設置,或指就任儀式。例句:His installation as mayor will take place tomorrow.(他的市長就職典禮將在明天舉行。)
waive:動詞,放棄、推遲、擱置。例句:Anna waived her right to become a police.(安娜放棄了當警察的權利。)


