2015年2月10日 星期二

Plan agreed for London City Airport despite objections

Plan agreed for London City Airport despite objections

PlaneLondon City Airport will pay all the costs of any soundproofing for residents

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A £220 million project to expand London City Airport has been given the go-ahead, despite more than 1,000 people being against it.
Newham Council approved plans which will create 1,500 jobs and allow for more landings and take-offs at peak times.
The council said plans included flight restrictions, a noise barrier and soundproofing packages for residents.
A campaign group said once again the council had "ignored residents".
Local jobs
London City Airport said as part of the plan it would invest £6.8 million towards employment and education.
A spokesman said almost all of the money would be for Newham residents through the council's job brokerage scheme Workplace.
Newham Council said 24,420 properties were written to asking for views and they had received 1,330 objections and only 21 in support.
John Stewart, chairman of Hacan, an organisation representing residents against the expansion, said he was very disappointed the plan had been approved.
'Air pollution'
He said: "The expanse will mean more air pollution and more noise. We also think the amount of jobs London City Airport says it will create is exaggerated."
A council spokesman said as well as the thousands of people consulted over the plans, the application was also advertised in four local newspapers.
He said: "Some 250 site notices were erected across Newham, Tower Hamlets, Greenwich and Bexley. The consultation exercise was repeated three times when the environment statement was amended on two occasions following the submission of the original application."
Based on the responses received the council said it had listened to all views and agreed to the plan with 131 conditions, including limits on the numbers of passengers and restrictions on flights at certain times of the day.

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倫敦市機場不僅不遷移 還要擴建

發稿時間:2015/02/09 21:27 最新更新:2015/02/09 21:27

倫敦市國際機場(London City Airport)為美國基礎設施基金Global Infrastructure Partners公司所持有,數年前提出2億2000萬英鎊(約新台幣105億元)的擴建計畫,包括航廈擴建,興建新的滑行道,增加停機坪及擴大入境大廳等。





擴建後的機場將可以容納體型較大的飛機,例如龐巴迪C系列(Bombardier C Series)、Embraer E2等可以搭載135到145名乘客的飛機,未來班次並可以延伸到美國東岸、中東、波斯灣地區及俄羅斯等地區。

倫敦市國際機場管理公司同時將興建有260個客房的旅館,帶動當地發展,倫敦市長強森(Boris Johnson)公開表達全力支持。1040209


