2015年6月15日 星期一

Today’s 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta

“A watershed moment in history” – how a document written in Latin in the year 1215 still resonates around the world today.
Shaimaa Khalil presents a special debate on the extraordinary legacy of Magna Carta.

陳女士的和The Economist 的這則大憲章條項之刺繡,都是對Wikipedia的禮讚:
22 小時前 ·
From Espresso: Today’s 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta is being celebrated with, among other jollities, a pageant, a masquerade, a bespoke cantata, bell-ringing, a flower festival and a river relay on the Thames featuring the queen’s barge, Gloriana. But the most interesting commemoration is a tapestry that replicates the entire Wikipedia article on the Magna Carta, stitched by an army of professional embroiderers, 36 prisoners, lawyers, journalists and campaigners http://econ.st/1L95D4S

從咖啡: 今天的 800 周年上蓋章的大憲章 》 被慶祝,其他 jollities、 選美比賽、 假面舞會、 定制的大合唱、 鐘聲、 花節和特色女王的駁船,稱號的泰晤士河河繼電器之間。但最有趣的紀念是複製整個維琪百科的大憲章 》,由軍隊專業刺繡、 36 囚犯、 律師、 記者和活動家 HTTP://econ.st/1L95D4S 縫合織錦


