2015年6月29日 星期一

英國碰到Uber.....Uber drivers could be made to pass language and geography tests


Up to 5,000 black-cab drivers blockaded London’s city centre in a protest against Uber last year. They argue that Uber is an unlicensed tax service whose drivers lack “the knowledge” – the gruelling test on London’s streets taken by aspiring cabbies. Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, was abused by a cab driver over Uber operating in the city this month. Johnson said this week it was not fair that black-cab drivers had to spend four years acquiring the knowledge and suggested Uber drivers could be made to pass language and geography tests.

倫敦擬要求Uber 司機完成嚴格的士從業員考試
倫敦的士向來以嚴格聞名,司機要通過極其嚴苛的考核,包括測試對地理環境的認識,合格後才可以駕駛的士載客。Johnson 認為Uber 司機毋須考牌就能 ...


