2016年4月7日 星期四

David Cameron has admitted he did have a profitable stake in his father’s offshore investment fund, but sold it for around £30,000 before he became Prime Minister.

[巴拿馬文件:英首相承認曾在離岸公司持股] 英國首相卡梅倫說,他和他的妻子曾經在他父親建立的一個離岸基金擁有股份,但是他們在2010年以30000英鎊的價格出售了這些股權。

David Cameron has admitted he did have a profitable stake in his father’s offshore investment fund, but sold it for around £30,000 before he became Prime Minister. 
The admission comes five days after the leak of a huge cache of documents – dubbed the Panama Papers – detailing the tax affairs of thousands of individuals of worldwide. They revealed that the Prime Minister’s father, Ian Cameron, who passed away in 2010, ran a fund under the name Blairmore Holdings.
Downing Street staffers initially said that it was a “private matter” whether or not Mr Cameron had benefitted from the fund. They later issued a series of statements denying the Prime Minister currently benefitted from offshore funds, or stood to do so in the future. 
Labour has condemned the way information about Mr Cameron’s financial affairs was revealed with “drip, drip” statements, and the revelations will raise questions about why Mr Cameron did not admit to personally profiting from an offshore fund until five days after the Panama Papers were leaked.
But in an interview with ITV News, he insisted that it was a "fundamental misconception" that Blairmore Holdings, set up by his father in the 1980s and run from the Bahamas, was set up to avoid tax. He said his father was being "unfairly written about"....

David Cameron and his office have now offered three partial answers about the fund set up by his father Ian, which avoided ever paying tax in Britain. The key unanswered question is whether the prime minister’s family stands to gain in the future from his father’s company, Blairmore.

PM gives only partial answers over father’s fund as revelations reverberate…

The Guardian
David Cameron must come clean over “exactly what’s been going on” with his family’s financial affairs in the wake of the Panama Papers leaks and should be subjected to an investigation to determine whether tax has been dodged, Jeremy Corbyn has said.

Labour leader calls for investigation into prime minister’s family’s tax affairs…


