2016年5月11日 星期三

“Dipso, Fatso, Bingo, Asbo, Tesco”

某人提前議用箴言行形容英國特色 “Dipso, Fatso, Bingo, Asbo, Tesco” (Asbo stands for “anti-social behavior order,” a law-enforcement tool, while Tesco is a ubiquitous supermarket chain 舉國都可見特異屋大超商);

Wikipedia article "Anti-Social Behaviour Order". 反社會行為逮捕令

bingo 舉國好賭
Game of chance played with cards having a grid of numbered squares corresponding to numbered balls drawn at random. When a number on the card is drawn, the players cover that number (should they have it); the game is won by covering a certain number of squares in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally). Cards are purchased and proceeds are placed into a common "pot"; winning cards are awarded a portion of the pot. Wildly popular in the mid 20th century, bingo has in recent decades suffered a decline in America but has increased in popularity in other parts of the world. The earliest name for bingo — lotto — was recorded in Britain in 1776; the game is sometimes called keno in the U.S.



n. Slang.pl. -sos.
A person who has a compulsion to drink alcohol; a dipsomaniac.



n. Offensive Slang.pl. -soes.
A fat person.


