2017年3月23日 星期四

Cities across the globe pay tribute to London attack ... U.K. Parliament Attacker Leaves 4 Dead, Including Police Officer

This is the Brandenburg Gate as Germany stands in solidarity with the UK


A hired car and a kitchen knife - that is all that is needed for a low-tech, lone wolf attack such as that in London yesterday to kill four, wound dozens and generate headlines of terror around the world. More: http://reut.rs/2nfQ4VT

A hired car and a kitchen knife - that is all that is needed for a low-tech, lone wolf attack such as that in London yesterday to kill four, wound dozens and generate headlines of terror around the world. Authorities have long known…

Cities across the globe paid tribute to the victims of Wednesday's terror attack in London by flying flags at half-mast, illuminating buildings in the red, white and blue of the Union Jack - or, in the case of the Eiffel Tower, by going dark altogether.

U.K. Parliament Attacker Leaves 4 Dead, Including Police Officer 

A suspected Islamist terrorist mowed down scores of pedestrians on a crowded bridge before crashing his car into railings near Parliament and stabbing a policeman, leaving four dead in an attack that struck at the heart of British democracy.

The route and sequence of the attack near UK Parliament in London http://cnn.it/2mWKcP0


