2017年6月26日 星期一

Theresa May has faced a backlash from politicians in Scotland, Wales and parts of England after completing a £1bn deal with the Democratic Unionist party

Theresa May faces backlash from Scotland and Wales over £1bn Tory ...

https://www.theguardian.com › Politics › Conservatives

6 hours ago - Theresa May has faced a backlash from politicians in Scotland, Wales and parts of England after completing a £1bn deal with the Democratic Unionist party to prop up her Conservative minority government. ... The Conservative/DUP deal: what it says and what it means. ... This shoddyDUP ...

This shoddy DUP deal will ultimately cost Theresa May far more than ...

https://www.theguardian.com › Opinion › Democratic Unionist party (DUP)

10 hours ago - The prime minister has just given every single voter in Britain a genuine grievance. If ever there was proof of her ineptitude, this is surely it.

1英鎊 =

38.5501273 台幣


究竟是10億英鎊還是15億呢? 新聞各說各話。

梅伊(Theresa May)領導的保守黨,本月初在國會大選中喪失過半優勢,為確保繼續執政,不得不與擁有10席議員的DUP協商合作。雙方歷經兩周多來的談判,昨天終於拍板定案。


梅伊形容,這項協議有助雙方「共同為英國整體利益合作」,包括脫歐等議題在內;DUP黨魁佛斯特(Arlene Foster)則稱,這是對英國、北愛爾蘭都好「足以讓我們國家前進」的協商結果。未來DUP的下議院議員,將就女王演說、預算案等重要議案支持保守黨,但雙方不會結成正式的執政聯盟。 


