2019年1月29日 星期二

Brexit STATUS: 英國議會投票排除“硬脫歐”

 英國議會投票排除“硬脫歐”,拒絕延後3月29日脫歐的最後時限。首相特麗莎·梅稱將尋求重啟與歐盟談判 。 (《 紐約時報 》)

6 hours ago - MPs have backed seeking "alternative arrangements" to replace the Irish backstop in Theresa May's Brexit plan. ... MPs voted on a string of amendments to Mrs May's plan to change the direction of Brexit. ... Five other amendments, including Labour MP Yvette Cooper's bid to delayBrexit if ...
3 hours ago - MPs reject plan aimed at preventing a no-deal Brexit if Theresa May cannot get her deal through Commons.
12 mins ago - The Guardian, the Financial Times and the Daily Mirror have similar takes on the Brexit news; noting that, while Parliament may want Theresa ...


