2019年7月18日 星期四

EU shoots down Boris Johnson's Brexit plan within moments of him becoming Tory leader. A new hurdle for a no-deal Brexit

"The UK reached an agreement with the European Union and the European Union will stick with that agreement."

A new hurdle for a no-deal Brexit

British lawmakers passed a measure that would block the next prime minister from suspending Parliament to force an abrupt withdrawal from the E.U. on Oct. 31.
The move — which received stronger support than expected — sets up a clash between Parliament and Boris Johnson, who is widely expected to succeed Prime Minister Theresa May next week and has advocated a no-deal Brexit.
What’s next: Results in the competition to lead Britain will be announced on Tuesday, days before Parliament goes into summer recess. Mr. Johnson has promised either to negotiate a rewritten deal with the E.U. by the Oct. 31 deadline or to leave without a deal.
Anti-Brexit lawmakers said the vote against suspending Parliament raised the chances of a second Brexit referendum.


