2019年12月21日 星期六

【#Place 國際週報】005:Oxford Street, London, 2019. 英國小說中的倫敦名街

【#Place 國際週報】005:Oxford Street, London, 2019.  英國小說中的倫敦名街
DW Euromaxx 覺得好夢幻──在 Oxford Street 。
So bright and beautiful: Oxford Street in London is a must-see for visitors during the Christmas period. The Christmas lights on the shopping strip are some of the most spectacular to be found in the city. This year, there's a new, energy-efficient version, consisting of 27 LED light curtains with over 200,000 twinkling lights.



hanching chung Tue, Jul 4, 2006 at 12:34 PM
To: hcsimonl@gmail.com


倫敦名街當然首推首相住的唐寧街十號。以前傳媒界也多知道他們的同行主要區,Fleet Street……

台灣受日本教育的長輩,也無形中傳下的名西裝街Savile Row (「講臺語的時候,往往把西裝說成Seibiro」)【案:row 意思為「建築物密集成排聚合」A continuous line of buildings along a street.】

最近HBO一口氣演名著『浮華世界(或譯『名利場』)--Vanity Fair』改編之電影 (2004版--字幕翻譯公司太懶,其中 法語多未翻譯,其實,這在原作和中文本都很容易找到。) 本書的背景是19世紀初英國和歐陸,不過我們也可以從中學到許多。
譬如說,描述女主角Becky Sharp在國外的社交界風光,令倫敦的名流恨之入骨(敢怒而不敢言),就用貝克街來說明(Rebecca's humble saloon would have made all Baker Street pale with envy.)

這 Baker Street,在1881年因為福爾摩斯住進去(案:Sherlock Holmes lived at 221B),不朽了;你一到其地鐵站,就被他的放大鏡跟蹤,一出來就看到他的雕塑品……


我們今天介紹的名街,叫哈雷街(Harley Street這是根據台灣對於美國百年老機車公司Harley-Davidson的通譯。)它在倫敦為醫界佼佼者群聚處(Harley Street in London is a world renowned centre of private medical practice. Its name is synonymous with private medical care in the United Kingdom.//
Harley Street is renowned for the highest medical expertise in every form ...Harley Street is renowned as the "crème de la crème" of the medical profession)

『法國中尉的女人』說該富家女從小不堪氣候等變化,一有小恙到Harley Street找名醫看病,所以是大主雇:
「有一次在外度假時,因某個地方一連下了兩天雨,他們就趕緊離開那兒。住在哈雷街①的一半醫生都給她檢查過身體,但沒有發現什麼。她生來從沒患過什麼大病。(damp in a basement to move house, only to have two days' rain on a holiday to change districts. Half Harley Street had examined her, and found nothing; she had never had a serious illness in her life; she had none ... )

這條街在Jane Austen 的『理智與情感』提過,一般未注解。

在 Henry James的小說『波士頓人』(The Bostonians)說說它很沉悶(black, stale Harley Street)

其實它也未必完全都是高價醫療處:南丁格爾( Miss F. Nightingale)就曾經在一家為家境較差的療養院服務、整頓。

又它也曾有其他業界的名人住過,譬如說鼎鼎大名的畫家 TURNER :(Turner began those " one-man shows " of his work in his house in Harley Street, which soon became known as the " Turner Gallery. ... )


今天談著名的Soho區之新舊compton 街。
Graham Greene之『人性的因素』 第二部第一章(Part Two, Chapter I)開始:
An old-young man with hair which dangled over his shoulders and the heaven-preoccupied gaze of some eighteen-century abbé was sweeping out a discotheque at the corner of Little Compton Street as Castle went by.


「中文翻譯「或許」有許多不確、時代錯亂處,請朋友說說意見」:沒反應。要了解這一段採用兩法文(abbé  和 discotheque)來表示其法國"情調" ,或許先了解該區從17-18世紀起就有許多法國新教信徒逃難至此(Old Compton Street is named after Henry Compton Bishop - who was a fund-raiser for the planned Soho parish church (eventually called St. Anne's and dedicated in 1686). After Charles II offered his royal protection to "all afflicted Protestants" in 1681 the area (and especially this street) filled up with French refugees. It seems that it has always been Soho's primary shopping street - by the end of the 18th century only 10 houses there didn't have shop fronts. )

所以,這種眼神全心投注於天國的神甫,畢竟不是一「虔誠」所能道盡。又,discotheque 這字,在早期是賣唱片等店,與後來演變成的「迪斯科舞廳」有所不同。
新、舊compton 街有許多廉價的餐廳、仿法國的脫衣舞廳(有趣的是,在約10年前,這玩藝,由英國某公司以連鎖店方式進軍巴黎)。所以小說下文說這兒是他首次喝葡萄酒、聽到外國風味的語言…….


Bond Street - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

龐(邦)德街與Virginia Wolf 很有緣。譬如說,小說『達洛衛夫人』 (1925),原為短篇『達洛衛夫人在龐(邦)德街』(1923)問市。(Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf - 1925The story of Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, first appeared as a short story, Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street, published in 1923. The novel was published in 1925.)

(Jean Moorcroft Wilson points out how Woolf uses external scenes in London to reflect the characters' internal reality (see pp 125-126 re MD).  She illustrates with quotations about Clarissa on Bond Street (see p 11, beginning with "Bond Street fascinated her"))
Bond Street tube station is a London Underground station on Oxford Street, near the junction with New Bond Street. The entrance to the station is inside a shopping arcade on Oxford Street.
The station is on the Central Line between Marble Arch and Oxford Circus and on the Jubilee Line, between Baker Street and Green Park. It is in Travelcard Zone 1. The station was first opened on 24 September 1900 by the Central London Railway, three months after the first stations on the Central Line opened. Jubilee Line services commenced on 1 May 1979.

   Howards End by Forster, E. M.
   Sabin drove slowly down Bond Street, and was rewarded by seeing her brougham outside a famous milliner's.

mil•li•ner (mĭl'ə-nər)
One that makes, trims, designs, or sells hats.
[Probably alteration of Middle English Milener, native of Milan, from MILAN, the source of goods such as bonnets and lace.]
brougham (brūm, brū'əm, brōm, brō'əm)
1. A closed four-wheeled carriage with an open driver's seat in front.
2. An automobile with an open driver's seat.
3. An electrically powered automobile resembling a coupé.
[After Henry Peter Brougham, First Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778–1868), Scottish-born jurist.]
Our Mutual Friend by Dickens, Charles
   In Bond Street he found a hansom with a good horse.

  Sign of the Four by Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
   She even made George Osborne contribute, and nothing loth (for he was as free-handed a young fellow as any in the army), he went to Bond Street, and bought the best hat and spenser that money could buy.
  Vanity Fair by Thackeray, William Makepeace
   In that of the Bond Street jeweller it was a trusty accomplice; in the present instance, a more intimate knowledge of the house.
Bond Street tube station is a London Underground station on Oxford Street, near the junction with New Bond Street. The entrance to the station is inside a shopping arcade on Oxford Street.
The station is on the Central Line between Marble Arch and Oxford Circus and on the Jubilee Line, between Baker Street and Green Park. It is in Travelcard Zone 1. The station was first opened on 24 September 1900 by the Central London Railway, three months after the first stations on the Central Line opened. Jubilee Line services commenced on 1 May 1979.
習題一:Virginia Woolf 在『普通讀者』上如何引邦德街的裁縫師作為比喻?
   Night and Day by Woolf, Virginia
   Towards the end of the morning, however, Catherine, having occasion for some indispensable yard of ribbon which must be bought without a moment's delay, walked out into the town, and in Bond Street overtook the second Miss Thorpe as she was loitering towards Edgar's Buildings between two of the sweetest girls in the world, who had been her dear friends all the morning.

習題一:Virginia Woolf 在『普通讀者』上如何引邦德街的裁縫師作為比喻?

"My dear Mrs. Palmer!"
"Upon my honour I did.--I met Colonel Brandon Monday morning in Bond-street, just before we left town, and he told me of it directly."
"You surprise me very much. Colonel Brandon tell you of it! Surely you must be mistaken. To give such intelligence to a person who could not be interested in it, even if it were true, is not what I should expect Colonel Brandon to do."
"But I do assure you it was so, for all that, and I will tell you how it happened. When we met him, he turned back and walked with us; and so we began talking of my brother and sister, and one thing and another, and I said to him, 'So, Colonel, there is a new family come to Barton cottage, I hear, and mama sends me word they are very pretty, and that one of them is going to be married to Mr. Willoughby of Combe Magna. Is it true, pray? for of course you must know, as you have been in Devonshire so lately.'"

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - Volume II, Chapter VII (29)spacer. Previous Chapter | Table of Contents | Next Chapter • Back to E-Texts. Sense and Sensibility ... "Bond Street, January. "MY DEAR MADAM,. "I have just had the honour of receiving your letter, for which I beg to return my sincere ...


由於倫敦是個古老的城市,許多地方都沿襲古名。譬如說說蕭伯納『賣花女』一開始的寺院廣場(Covent Garden)…….
我們今天介紹 The Haymarket – 它在全世界的分身很多,請查
http://www.answers.com/topic/the-haymarket ? 之相關介紹。This article is about a street in London, England. For other places with this name see Haymarket
譬如說,芝加哥的著名工運;在舊俄小說『罪與罰』Crime and Punishment by Fyodor M Dostoevsky  Following the usual direction of the walks he took, he came by old habit to the Haymarket. On the sidewalk in front of a small shop just before the ...。狄更斯 :Italian Opera Theatre in London's Haymarket. ...
它從十七世紀就是劇場區(Now the Haymarket Theatre became the principal opera house in London, ... The opposition political party favored the Little Theatre in the Haymarket, while the government supported the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, ...)。不過我們要介紹的Haymarket 在19世紀都還是風化場所,妓女雲集(In earlier centuries, Haymarket was also one of the most prominent centres of prostitution in London, but this is no longer the case. )

She had moved on before he could answer; and what she had said might have sounded no more than a continuation of her teasing. But her eyes had for the briefest moment made it clear that she made an offer; as unmistakable, in its way, as those made by the women who in the London of the time haunted the doorways round the Haymarket. ..

What she did not know was that she had touched an increasingly sensitive place in Charles's innermost soul; his feeling ..."
---- 當然,在Charles Dickens 的許多作品都提此處
Sketches by Boz Page 178 - ... any other public post on his return, than the post at the corner of the Haymarket, where he officiated as assistant-waterman to the hackney-coach-stand. ...
Bleak House by Charles Dickens Page 313 - The theatre over, Mr. George comes across the water again and makes his way tothat curious region lying about the Haymarket and Leicester Square which is a ...

The Haymarket is a street in the St. James's district of the City of Westminister in London, England. It runs from Piccadilly Circus at the north to Pall Mall at the south. It houses a number of high class restaurants, two major theatres (the Theatre Royal and Her Majesty's Theatre), a cinema complex, and New Zealand House.
It is part of London's theatre district, the West End, and has been a theatrical location at least since the 17th century. The Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket, designed by John Vanbrugh, opened in 1705. It was intended for legitimate drama, but the acoustics turned out to be more suitable for opera, and from 1710 to 1745, most operas and some oratorios of George Frederick Handel were premiered at this theatre, which was renamed the King's Theatre at the death of Queen Anne in 1714. After Vanbrugh's building had been destroyed by fire in 1790, another King's Theatre on the same site followed. After another fire, His Majesty's Theatre was opened there in 1897, This building, the fourth on the same site, is still in use as Her Majesty's Theatre for major musical productions. Today's Theatre Royal at another site in the Haymarket is a building originally by John Nash (1820), replacing a previous theatre of the 1720s.

. on Page 79:

"... its way, as those made by the women who in the London of the time haunted the doorways round the Haymarket. What she did not know was that she had touched an increasingly sensitive place in Charles's innermost soul; his feeling ..."
2. on Page 132:

"... Leech's famous cartoon of 1867, in which two sad-faced women stand in the rain "not a hundred miles from the Haymarket." One turns to the other: "Ah 1 Fanny 1 How long have you been gay ?» [ 132 ] ..."
3. on Page 301:

"... an area of casinos (meeting places rather than gaming rooms), assembly cafés, cigar "divans" in its more public parts (the Haymarket and Regent Street) and very nearly unrelieved brothel in all the adjoining back streets. They passed the famous Oyster Shop ..."
4. on Page 302:

"... taste, and reached through a narrow and noisome alley off a street some little way from the top of the Haymarket. At one end of the chandeliered room was a small stage hidden by deep red curtains, on which were embroidered ..."
5. on Page 407:

"... she had once hinted at, became a certainty. That evening he went in a state of panic to the same Haymarket area he visited earlier. What the driver imagined, I cannot suppose; but he must certainly have thought his fare the ..."

Sam first fell for her because she was a summer's day after the drab dollymops and gays* who had constituted his past sexual experience. Self-confidence in that way he did not lack - few Cockneys do.

education. Mary had modestly listened; divined this other Sam and divined that she was hon- *
on Page 132:
*. A "dollymop" was a maidservant who went in for spare-time prostitution. A "gay," a prostitute - it is the significance in Leech's famous cartoon of 1867, in which two sad-faced women stand in the rain "not a hundred miles from the Haymarket." One turns to the other: "Ah 1 Fanny 1 How long have you been gay ?» [ 132 ] ..."

2. on Page 273:
3. on Page 301:  an area of casinos (meeting places rather than gaming rooms), assembly cafés, cigar "divans" in its more public parts (the Haymarket and Regent Street) and very nearly unrelieved brothel in all the adjoining back streets. They passed the famous Oyster Shop in the Haymarket ("Lobsters, Oysters, Pickled and Kippered ..."


Grub Street 是倫敦的鬻文為生的窮書生之街【 (昔のLondonの)貧乏文士街; 三文文士たち(の生活). 】
現在的辭典多收它。In current usage the term is used in western literary and journalistic circles to characterize any hack writing, done quickly, for a fee, generally with minimal research.
這種說法從十八世紀開始;著名的辭典家/文豪S. Johnson 這樣定義:
According to Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, the term was "originally the name of a street near Moorfields in London, much inhabited by writers of small histories, dictionaries, and temporary poems, whence any mean production is called grubstreet".

在英國文學傳統一路上都有詩文諷刺此種窮酸文人。參考An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture 1776-1832 (edited by Iain McCalman, Jon Mee, Gillian Russell, Clara Tuite, Kate Fullagar, Patsy)
從A. Pope 在1729/42寫長詩 The Dunciad開始,之後,Grub Street漸漸成為比喻用法,與這條街的地理位置等無關。Byron 『英國詩人』中所描述的商用作家等;它又成為猥褻文學、大眾文化、政治極端主義等聯合……

在藝術上我們可以用David Bindman, Hogarth (London 1981) 說明。傳主W. Hogarth (British artist noted for his satirical narrative paintings and engravings, including A Rake's Progress (1735) and Marriage à la Mode (1745).
http://www.answers.com/topic/william-hogarth?method=6) 的父親就是這種鬻文為生的窮書生,所以第一章就是The Fear of Grub Street

我約40年讀過George Gissing 的四季隨筆(英文本),很早知道他著小說 New Grub Street 。今天才利用此機會讀它幾頁,一飽眼福。

David Bindman, Frédéric Ogée and Peter Wagner, eds. Hogarth: Representing Nature's Machines (Manchester, 2001)


Park Lane
Park Lane 有許多貴族 豪門巨室town house,譬如說Dorchester House和
Brook House等等。
Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion  ActII(1914)
  A SARCASTIC BYSTANDER [thrusting himself between the note taker and the gentleman] Park Lane, for instance. Id like to go into the Housing Question with you, I would.



THE NOTE TAKER. Oh yes. Quite a fat one. This is an age of upstarts. Men begin in Kentish Town with £80 a year, and end in Park Lane with a hundred thousand. They want to drop Kentish Town; but they give themselves away every time they open their mouths. Now I can teach them—


案:林語堂和楊先生都沒注Kentish Town 為倫敦一「郊區」:http://www.answers.com/Kentish%20town
英國小說 -戲劇中的倫敦名街( 8 ): Pall Mall

我們昨天談蕭伯納 Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion 1914 )之第一幕的Park Lane 


  THE NOTE TAKER [eagerly] Are you? Do you know Colonel Pickering, the author of Spoken Sanscrit?   
  THE GENTLEMAN. I am Colonel Pickering. Who are you?   
  THE NOTE TAKER. Henry Higgins, author of Higgins's Universal Alphabet. 125
  PICKERING [with enthusiasm] I came from India to meet you.  
  HIGGINS. I was going to India to meet you.   
  PICKERING. Where do you live?   
  HIGGINS. 27A Wimpole Street. Come and see me tomorrow.   
  PICKERING. I'm at the Carlton . Come with me now and lets have a jaw over some supper. 130
  HIGGINS. Right you are.  
如果我記得沒錯 PICKERING. (暫)住的 Carlton 在我們今天要介紹的名接Pall Mall 這條有許多著名的俱樂部。( Pall Mall (pĕl mĕl, păl m ăl) , street in the City of Westminster borough, London, England. It is the main thoroughfare of St. James's district. St. James's Palace, Marlborough House, and a number of private clubs are on Pall Mall. The name derives from the game pall mall or paille maille, which was played in front of the palace in the 17th cent. 

這,在楊譯『名利場』說得好:「 ……也有向來在帕爾莫爾一帶悠閒度日的浮浪子弟,出發到愛姆士和維斯巴登去喝礦水,把一季下來吃的飯菜從腸胃裏洗洗乾淨,同時也來一點兒輪盤賭和紙牌戲,免得生活太沉悶。 ……
 ..;there were old Pall Mall loungers bound for Ems and Wiesbaden and a course of waters to clear off the dinners of the season, and a little roulette and trente-et-quarante to keep the excitement going;…. 。另外一本想用土話「街+」來說明是不通的,這些人上俱樂部,而不是在街上閒逛…….. )

剛好,邱吉爾 Winston Churchil 的『第二次世界大戰回憶錄』(Memoirs of the Second World War )的「倫敦承受得起大轟炸」(London Can Take It )中談到這Pall Mall 與 Carlton

Page 371/  1065 pages - It seemed that the greater part of Pall Mall was in flames. ... But Pall Mall was the vivid flame picture. Gradually, the attack died down, and presently ...
福爾摩斯 Holmes的「希臘語翻譯」(The Greek Interpreter )開始就說,福爾摩斯的怪才老哥Mycroft 當時就在Pall Mall 的最有特色之俱樂部 Diogenes Club,他帶華生去見識其人 - We had reached Pall Mall as we talked, and were walking down it from the St. ...Holmes showed me into a small chamber which looked out into Pall Mall, ...
在英國文化史上, Pall Mall 也因為有人專門為紳士辦報Pall Mall Gazette (包括康拉德的『颱風』都在它連載…… )
The Pall Mall Gazette takes the name of an imaginary newpaper conceived by William Makepeace ThackerayPall Mall is a street in London home to many gentleman's clubs, hence Thackeray's description of his imaginary newspaper in his novel The History of Pendennis:

and when one day she walked down Pall Mall without gradually posting a letter I was most indignant.
   Go to page      The Little White Bird by Barrie, James Matthew
  The "Typhoon" appeared in the early numbers of the Pall Mall Magazine, then under the direction of the late Mr.
   Go to page      Typhoon by Conrad, Joseph
  The careless glance of a lounger on the pavement of Pall Mall filled him with a sudden anger.
   Go to page      A Millionaire of Yesterday by Oppenheim, E. Phillips
  Fogg re-appeared in the reading-room and sat down to the Pall Mall at twenty minutes before six.
   Go to page      Around The World In Eighty Days by Verne, Jules
  We had reached Pall Mall as we talked, and were walking down it from the St.
   Go to page      Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
  It is such as he, as little conscious of himself as the bee in a hive, who are the lucky in life, for they have the best chance of happiness: their activities are shared by all, and their pleasures are only pleasures because they are enjoyed in common; you will see them on Whit-Monday dancing on Hampstead Heath, shouting at a football match, or from club windows in Pall Mall cheering a royal procession.
   Go to page      Of Human Bondage by Maugham, W. Somerset
  Along Pall Mall the taxi in which she was seated gained considerably, but in the Park and along the Bird Cage Walk both the other taxies, risking the police regulations, drew almost alongside.
   Go to page      The Illustrious Prince by Oppenheim, E. Phillips
  When the session closed, the doctor was escorted to the rooms of the Travellers' Club, in Pall Mall .
  Go to page      Five Weeks in a Balloon by Verne, Jules
     Go to page      The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Fielding, Henry
  Sabin dined together - not, as it happened, at the House of Commons, but at the former's club in Pall Mall .
  Go to page      The Yellow Crayon by Oppenheim, E. Phillips
  I saw the PALL MALL GAZETTE on the table by the door.
   Go to page      The Time Machine by Wells, H.G.
  The club to which the Braces King belonged was a richly but gloomily furnished building in Pall Mall , a place of soft carpets, shaded lights, and whispers.
   Go to page      The Man Upstairs and Other Stories by Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville
  And yet - and yet - it was in the hottest room of all, in a temperature of 270?Fahrenheit, that the bolt fell from the Pall Mall Gazette which I had bought outside the bath.
   Go to page      A Thief in the Night by Hornung, E. W.
   Go to page      Dracula by Stoker, Bram
  Pall Mall where it was?
   Go to page      The Kingdom of the Blind by Oppenheim, E. Phillips
  His chambers are close by, in Pall Mall .
   Go to page      My Lady's Money by Collins, Wilkie
  His prophecy, I remember, appeared in November or December, 1893, in a long-defunct publica- tion, the PALL MALL BUDGET, and I recall a caricature of it in a pre-Martian periodical called PUNCH.
   Go to page      The War Of The Worlds by Wells, H.G.
  We liked well enough to flirt with her in the hay-field, but she does not seem so fascinating when we meet her in Pall Mall.
   Go to page      Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow by Jerome, Jerome K.
    Go to page      Little Dorrit by Dickens, Charles
  At the club he promptly secures a large window, writing materials, and all the newspapers, and establishes himself; immoveable, to be respectfully contemplated by Pall Mall .
   Go to page      Our Mutual Friend by Dickens, Charles
  In a stationer's shop in Pall Mall , where I had business.
   Go to page      Sense and Sensibility by Austen, Jane
  Even in June there were leaders, letters, large headlines, leaded type; the Daily Chronicle devoting half its literary page to a charming drawing of the island capital which the new Pall Mall , in a leading article headed by a pun, advised the Government to blow to flinders.
   Go to page      The Amateur Cracksman by Hornung, E. W.
  In a dense phalanx, blocking the streets from side to side, the crowd set forth, taking the route of Regent Street, Pall Mall, St.
  Go to page      The Lost World by Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
  His mode of dressing, and the particular styles that from time to time he affected, had their marked influence on the young exquisites of the Mayfair balls and Pall Mall club windows, who copied him in everything that he did, and tried to reproduce the accidental charm of his graceful, though to him only half-serious fopperies.
   Go to page      The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Wilde, Oscar
    Go to page     Vanity Fair by Thackeray, William Makepeace
  Oh, in the Globe, Star, Pall Mall , St.
   Go to page      The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
倫敦名街(9 ): Threadneedle Street

所謂「針線街」( Threadneedle Street)應該是幾百年前的稱呼,在20 世紀它一直是倫敦証券交易所(LSE )和英格蘭銀行(Bank of England 暱稱 old lady of Threadneedle-street: A nickname for the Bank of England. – 我們從中可以了解以前的針線、女紅等等是該國家計之支柱)之所在。

在狄更斯的《尼古拉斯 尼克爾貝》:
 ……他們到達銀行以後,老[ 紳士極敏捷地下車,再次挽著尼古拉斯,引他迅速地沿著針線街前進,穿過右邊的幾條胡同和通道,終於到達一片有樹蔭的寧靜的小廣場。 …….. (The old gentleman got out, with great alacrity, when they reached the Bank, and once more taking Nicholas by the arm, hurried him along Threadneedle Street, and through some lanes and passages on the right, until they, at length, emerged in a quiet shady little square. Into the oldest and cleanest-looking house of business in the square, he led the way. The only inscription on the door-post was 'Cheeryble, Brothers;' but from a hasty glance at the directions of some packages which were lying about, Nicholas supposed that the brothers Cheeryble were German merchants.)
hc 案:這 the bank ,當然應該翻譯得更具體才好,因為那兒的銀行可不少,譬如說,古歷史(希臘)學者 George Grote ( 1794 - 1871)在該街共同創立銀行,在 1820年起並在該處落角為文。 .

Thomas Carlyle 的名著Past and Present 第三章有一自注,說明 worth  value 的意義上之一層面為 . How much he amounts to, — by the Threadneedle-street standard or another! . 此地Threadneedle Street 即表示倫敦之金融中心( is the center of British banking. ... )。Charles Lamb 著名的散文集 The Essays of Elia ,似有兩處提到此街。

倫敦名街(10 ):Wimpole Street

我們介紹過名醫群集之 London's Harley Street,令外一條類似的為Wimpole Street ,因為該街約200 年設皇家醫學會(The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) ),其專業圖書館世界有名。

它也是很理想的住宅區,所以蕭伯納的「賣花女 /窈窕淑女/Pygmalion 」的語言專家HIGGINS 就住那兒。 The Beatles 名歌 "Yesterday"就是在 Wimpole 街之女友之公寓一夜美夢之後,所得之靈感。

在文學史上這街的 50號住過名詩人勃朗寧(Robert Browing )夫人伊莉莎白 Barrett ,他們不朽的愛情故事上過兩回電影,譬如說, The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934) 

他家的寵狗 『紅毛球』(Flush),名作家 V. Woolf 幫其寫過傳記(介於虛構與非虛構之間( Fiction/Non-Fiction cross-over)):Virginia Woolf. Flush: a biography (1933) .— 英文本在網路上很容易找到(中文有數翻譯本,譬如說,『天堂玫瑰』pp.156-214 )

我們看它第一章所寫的 Wimpole街屋,最有門面,最莊重、威風凜凜,最容易讓人在按門鈴時,多少會心生怯步(只可遠觀?),雖然如此,它真是文明之支柱。(『紅毛球』於 1933年才出版 --可能是第一次世界大戰時寫的,所以文中說世局如晦,文明危殆,希望 Wimpole 街之風味永存;願其一磚一石一動不動、窗簾布永不褪色、牛羊等百獸肉品供需無缺 ……Wimpole街,風雨不動安如山乎…… 

Even now perhaps nobody rings the bell of a house in Wimpole Street without trepidation. It is the most august of London streets, the most impersonal. Indeed, when the world seems tumbling to ruin, and civilisation rocks on its foundations, one has only to go to Wimpole Street; to pace that avenue; to survey those houses; to consider their uniformity; to marvel at the window curtains and their consistency; to admire the brass knockers and their regularity; to observe butchers tendering joints and cooks receiving them; to reckon the incomes of the inhabitants and infer their consequent submission to the laws of God and man—one has only to go to Wimpole Street and drink deep of the peace breathed by authority in order to heave a sigh of thankfulness that, while Corinth has fallen and Messina has tumbled, while crowns have blown down the wind and old Empires have gone up in flames, Wimpole Street has remained unmoved and, turning from Wimpole Street into Oxford Street, a prayer rises in the heart and bursts from the lips that not a brick of Wimpole Street may be re-pointed, not a curtain washed, not a butcher fail to tender or a cook to receive the sirloin, the haunch, the breast, the ribs of mutton and beef for ever and ever, for as long as Wimpole Street remains, civilisation is secure.  CHAPTER ONE Three Mile Cross 

(這回學單字 point之一義  To fill and finish the joints of (masonry) with cement or mortar.   継ぎ目にしっくい[セメント]を塗る;

倫敦名街( 11): Piccadilly

William Morris之小說『烏有鄉消息』( News from nowhere or an Epoch of Rest : Being Some Chapters from a Utopian Romance)(黃嘉德等譯,北京:商務, 1997 )【—這本除了 News from nowhere之外,還包括 A Dream of John Ball (1886) 】。第六章 * (附件)一開始有此街之最美的描述(比我印象中的美): 此網址附 1900 的街頭很好:現在日本電子公司的廣告在Circle 招攬生意:http://www.uiowa.edu/~wmorris/news/chaptervi.html

The name arises from a tailor named Robert Baker, who owned a shop in The Strand in the late 16th century and early 17th century. He amassed a large fortune by making and selling picadils (stiff collars with scalloped edges and a broad laced or perforated border), that were then in fashion.
(這 picadils 究竟是什麼collar,請找圖並參考它的說明(我還有點不清楚……):The scalloped(這種形狀只能讀圖) or tabbed edge at the neck and armhole, fashionable in late 16th and early 17th-century dress. The name Piccadilly was given to a London thoroughfare because of a tailor named Robert Baker who specialized in making picadils.

它曾是那麼風行,不過大陸翻譯『法國中尉的女人』將此略譯 on Page 210: 
"... an endless flow of gloves, scarves, stocks, hats, gaiters, Oxonians (a kind of shoe then in vogue), and collars - Piccadilly's, Shakspere's, Dog-collar's, Dux's - Sam had a fixation on collars, I am not sure it wasn't a fetish, for he ..." 

 V. Woolf的許多作品,都提到這兒(繁華的商場等等)作為「賣淫」的集中地之一(她討論了這方面之女權):
 'In Piccadilly? They are prostitutes,' said Helen. 'It is terrifying — it is
disgusting,' Rachel asserted, as if she included Helen in her hatred. ...
 The Voyage Out: Voyage Out  Page 76 - 
- The long loop of Piccadilly, diamond-stitched, shows to best advantage when it is
... Indeed, Piccadilly and Holborn, and the empty sitting-room and the ...
 ( Jacob's Room  Page 125 
We came suddenly out of the woodland into a short street of handsomely built houses, which my companion named to me at once as Piccadilly: the lower part of these I should have called shops, if it had not been that, as far as I could see, the people were ignorant of the arts of buying and selling. Wares were displayed in their finely designed fronts, as if to tempt people in, and people stood and looked at them, or went in and came out with parcels under their arms, just like the real thing. On each side of the street ran an elegant arcade to protect foot-passengers, as in some of the old Italian cities. About halfway down, a huge building of the kind I was now prepared to expect told me that this also was a centre of some kind, and had its special public buildings.
Said Dick: "Here, you see, is another market on a different plan from most others: the upper stories of these houses are used for guest-houses; for people from all about the country are apt to drift up hither from time to time, as folk are very thick upon the ground, which you will see evidence of presently, and there are people who are fond of crowds, though I can't say that I am."
I couldn't help smiling to see how long a tradition would last. Here was the ghost of London still asserting itself as a centre,—an intellectual centre, for aught I knew.

倫敦名街(11 ):the Strand

先了解一英文單字 strand,意思為:海濱, 海灘 ;河岸 ;湖濱[C] (The land bordering a body of water; a beach. )。

倫敦的 STRAND 街【有些人直接翻譯成「河濱大道」,這樣好嗎?這種Strand 在美國華盛頓、紐約等地都有(Before landfill left Pearl Street high and dry several blocks from the river, it was often called simply The Strand.  ….. 】就是泰晤士河畔的繁華街道(自十九世紀維多利亞王朝以來即有「英國傳統服裝源自Strand 街;著名的大飯店 Savoy Hotel……)。 Strand, street in LondonEngland, roughly parallel with the Thames River, running from the Temple to Trafalgar Square . It is a street of law courts, hotels, theaters, and office buildings and is the main artery between the City and the West End.

福爾摩斯( The Adventuresof Sherlock Holmes  The Strand Magazine 刊登( July 1891 to June 1892)。 .
 T. S. Eliot  「荒原」約第 257行:
"This music crept by me upon the waters"
And along the Strand, up Queen Victoria
. O City city, I can sometimes hear
Beside a public bar in ...

我印象挺深的另外作品,包括 V. Woolf1931 年發表的文集,描述她以到 Strand 街買鉛筆的理由,在冬天午後三四時從家一路漫遊之心境。

 Boswell名著 Life of Johnson  1779 10 月 10 日,記Johnson 到倫敦之後的十幾處居所,有幾次在 the Strand (牛津本p.1035 注一)。

感謝 Oba 補充:「 有關Strand 二三事 」:
道爾的小說--不僅僅是因為其緊湊的辦案情節,也因為其懸疑的氣氛--開始在有插圖的倫敦《岸濱月刊 (The Strand Magazine) 》上連載。」

案:這『月刊』非比尋常,參考 http://www.answers.com/topic/strand-magazine?
『聖瑪莉岸濱教堂』 http://www.answers.com/topic/st-mary-le-strand?

倫敦名街 STRAND2 )

唱片公司 APPLEApple Computers  iTune 違反協議顯示商標之官司: British Court Hears Apple v. Apple and 'Le Freak' ,

 Royal Courts of Justice 就位於我們介紹過的 The Strand之上,請參考 wikipedia的圖示和說明:
The building is a large grey stone edifice in the Victorian Gothic style and was designed by George Edmund Street, a solicitor turned architect, and built in the 1870s. It is on The Strand, in the City of Westminster, near the border with the City of London and the London Borough of Camden. It is surrounded by the four Inns of Court. The nearest tube stations are Chancery Lane and Temple.

倫敦名街(12 ) 兩 『聖瑪莉教堂』

光是『聖瑪莉教堂』很容易誤人,所以通常在所在地,如 『聖瑪莉岸濱教堂』 http://www.answers.com/topic/st-mary-le-strand?
或用創辦人來區分,如此文談的 St Mary Woolnoth教堂,它在我們介紹過的the Bank of England 近處的Lombard Street ,約有800年歷史。
(它有靈,所以多次逃過人們之拆屋之「邪念」,最後,還是讓地鐵穿過其地下: The Vicar gave way to the Engineer, who took up the floor of the Church of St. Mary Woolnoth, supported the whole structure on steel girders, and then dug a… ):

著名劇作家 Kyd or Kid, Thomas1558–94, )之父親為一scrivener (━━ n. 代書人 ; 公証人 . ),就在此受洗。

英文世界中最著名的 17世紀日記The Diary of Samuel Pepys
 Page 214 -The priory church of St Mary ... as at the s. end of 'the new alley called Exchange Alley next Lumbard Streete in the parish of Saint Mary Woolnoth'. ...

 T. S. Eliot  「荒原」( 1922)中約第 67行談金融區上班人潮: T. S. Eliot refers to this church in his poem The Waste Land:
直到 Woolnoth 報時的地方,

倫敦名街( 13): Bow Street

昨天的『兩所聖瑪莉教堂』,其實應有五所,還有一所 St Mary-le-Bow(位於 Cheapside )值得介紹,因為以前的人傳說,真正的倫敦人(a true Cockney),就屬那些聽得到此教堂之鐘聲的。這以後再介紹。

今天介紹 Bow Street,它也是名列於英國版的大富翁之名街(the standard London Monopoly board )之一。
現在倫敦警察總局、其法院還是座落於此,所以我們看諸如『羅素自傳』中談他(搞反核運動等)去 Bow Street自首(當良心罪犯)。同樣的,約百年前王爾德( O. Wilde)的同性戀訴訟,也在那兒。

數百年前,這兒是犯罪之淵藪(著名的小說家 Henry Fielding 說每四家有一家盜製、賣gin 酒),所以特別在此設打擊犯罪之警局The Bow Street Runners were England's earliest police detectives. They were founded by Henry Fielding, the novelist and Bow Street magistrate ...
他們有兩種,一種是在市內巡邏的,一種可以到全國各地辦案,聲名卓著( The Bow Street Runners travelled all over the country in search of criminals and gained a reputation for honesty and efficiency. ),所以狄更斯在諸如『遠大前程』或『孤雛淚』(Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens Page 512 - The Bow-street officers: The Bow Street Runners had operated as a detective force out of the Bow Street Magistrates' Court since the ……)都提到他們的辦事能力和舊制服(Patrols 才穿,Runners )等等( 1749-1829)。


