2019年12月13日 星期五

Boris Johnson must fulfill his one-nation pledge. The election result could spell the end of the United Kingdom.

【蘇格蘭想再辦獨立公投🗳強生say NO🙅‍♂
英國下議院選舉,首相 #強生 率領的保守黨獲勝,英國明年一月底前 #脫歐 可能性大增希望 #留歐 的蘇格蘭首席大臣施特金(#NicolaSturgeon)選後重提再度舉辦 #獨立公投 的意願,但強生13日表示,他不會同意

The FT View: As mayor of London, Boris Johnson was a liberal, one-nation Tory with broad appeal. He now has a historic opportunity to lead the nation in the same way.

Conservatives should govern in the interests of all, not just those who backed Brexit



Boris Johnson must fulfil his one-nation pledge

The election result was hailed as a victory for English, Scottish and Irish nationalism - and it could spell the end of the United Kingdom.


