2019年12月16日 星期一

【#Britain and Europe 英國及歐洲 國際日報】001: Voting systems in the UK The UK's electoral system is a disaster for democracy ? 張復:贏者全拿的選舉制度如何扭曲了民意

【#Britain and Europe 英國及歐洲  國際日報】001

The U.K. Election Explained, in One Number

Votes for the Conservatives had 10 times the effective power of votes for the Liberal Democrats. Here’s how the electoral system works.

Party system に移動 - Political parties are the dominant organisations in the modern UK political system. ... All parties, however large or small, must be registered with the Electoral Commission to be able to operate and stand candidates.
voting system determines the rules on how we elect parties and candidates. The House of Commons, Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, Northern Ireland Assembly, European Parliament and UK local authorities use different ...


The House of Commons and local councils in England and Wales use the first-past-the-post system.
The UK is divided into constituencies. Local authorities into wards.
At a general or local election, voters put a cross (X) next to their preferred candidate on a ballot paper. Ballot papers are counted. The candidate with the most votes represents the constituency or ward.

3 日前 - In the UK's general election on Thursday, the Conservative party romped to victory. It now holds a majority of the country's parliament by about 80 seats. Prime minister Boris Johnson has already called the victory a mandate ...

But the stunning win belies the mood of the country as a whole—more than 50% of UK voters actually voted for a pro-Remain party—and ultimately stands as an example of why the UK needs to reevaluate its electoral system.

At the moment, in a nutshell, voters go to the polls to elect a local MP for their geographic constituency. The party with the most local MPs, or seats, wins. Some constituencies have about 100,000 voters or more, others have as few as 20,000. But no matter the population size of constituency, they still each get one seat. The candidate with the most votes wins that seat, while the other votes are essentially tossed aside. As a result, it’s actually possible for a majority of voters to choose a party that ultimately fails to win a majority of seats.

5 日前 - CNBC takes a look at all you need to know about Britain's voting system.

美國哥倫比亞大學的知名教授Jeffrey D Sachs針對英國最近的大選做了一個非常精緻的分析。我們都知道,這次大選最重要的議題是英國是否應該脫離歐盟。選舉的結果是,主張脫歐的保守黨獲得大勝,在總共373個國會席次中贏得277個席次。然而,在最近一次的民調裡,主張脫歐的比例其實只有46%,而主張留歐或者進行第二次公投的比例則佔53%。在實際的大選中,在最重要的11個政黨裡,只有3個政黨(包括保守黨)主張脫歐,其所得的票數比例為46.4%,其餘的8個政黨則主張留歐或第二次公投,其所得的票數比例為52.2%。換言之,主張留歐或第二次公投的政黨所得的票數顯著地多於主張脫歐的政黨。然而,選舉的結果卻是主張脫歐的保守黨大勝。
Sachs教授的原文標題是The UK’s Electoral System Failed,發表於Project Syndicate,https://www.project-syndicate.org/…/uk-election-system-fail…


