2023年5月25日 星期四

to fix the beleaguered National Health Service (NHS).

 In Britain our cover focuses on how to fix the beleaguered National Health Service (NHS). Hospital waiting lists in England have spiralled beyond 7m; NHS staff are leaving the workforce in droves. On basic measures of health, Britain does worse than its rich-world peers. The recipe for saving the NHS requires radicalism and a shift in focus. Read our cover leader and Britain story to find out m

2023年5月6日 星期六

圖片評論、"回顧"Charles Is Crowned King in Ancient Ceremony With Modern Twists

 圖片評論、"回顧"英國查理三世(或譯查爾斯三世,King Charles III)加冕典禮


The coronation, the first since Queen Elizabeth II’s in 1953, was a royal spectacle of the kind that only Britain still stages.